Nokia 6101 / 6102
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this or the samsung e635
I love both of these phones. Which one is the best one. I can't decide.!!!! Maybe I'll get both. Everyone's opinions please 🙂
Aug 31, 2005, 5:24 PM
i like it two.
-quad-band (btw is it? - or there are two versions?)
and has just everything but PTT which I don't really think I will need, not at first anyway. Given that most people don't have PTT phones, it will hake some time until everybody can PTT. So give it at least 6 mos to a year to catchup with everybody. People won’t be throwing out their RAZRs for PTT – tell you that.
memory card…MP3
no FM - I like this feature very much, I have to say
i can listen for CDs/MP3 in the car or at home, but I like something live (FM radio) when outdoors – bilking/jogging/skiing. I redid my headphones so that I can connect external speakers (those for iPOD powered by batteries) so even on the beach/picnics - I use it! (And I have an iPOD for M...
Definitely the Samsung E635, I have been using the phone for a week now and I hate slider phones but this phone is so cool. Its so small that you can just throw it in your pocket. The screen stays on after you close it so you can see the time, unlike the last model that Samsung produced for T-Mobile. The speaker quality is good, although the speaker phone doesn't get very loud. The screen is small but looks very good. I would recommend this phone for anyone and for the small price of only 149.99 with a one year service agreement. The Nokia is going to be a great phone too, you might just have to buy both. I probably do the same thing. 😁
You know there's a rebate available for that Samsung don't you ;)
ahhh, i still haven't decided yet. but if I do get both...gotta love SIM Card
Hi! I got myself a Samung E635 and love it but there are some features - although I've read the manual - that I can't figure out and hope maybe you can. My friend was sending me a ringtone via infrared but it always failed although both our IRs are on. Do you also know how to get the phone UNLOCKED instead of pressing the soft button? When the phone is on idle the screen just turns blank/black. I can't even see the time? Do you have answers to all my questions -- ANYONE??? Any answers will be most appreciated. Thanks!
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