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Nokia 6682 / 6681


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6682 won't install apps


Feb 26, 2006, 1:09 PM
I recently discovered that my month-or-so old 6682 won't install any applications (from third parties or Nokia). I was trying to upgrade the Opera browser to 8.51 and it downloaded to the phone successfully, but when I tried to install it, the "Install" screen merely flashed for a second, then disappeared. The same thing happened with a couple of other apps, including the Nokia PC Suite upgrade.
Nokia support had me remove the Opera browser (thinking there may be a conflict) and try again. Nothing...and now I have no browser. I found no help from the Nokia Developers Forum and tech support now wants me to re-format the phone. Other than knowing I will lose all settings, I'm not sure what this means, how to proceed or what effect that...

Feb 26, 2006, 1:50 PM
Paul, go into your manager, which is an icon somewhere in your menu or one of the folders. Not sure where it is because I have moved mine all around. Not file manager, but manager. It is what shows whats installed on the phone. The very first thing at the top of the list is Application downloads. Your left soft key should be options. Press that, then choose settings. Software installation probably is off, just change it to on, and you will be good to go. Also, make sure the second on on that list which is Online certif. check, is off.

Have a great day!!


Feb 26, 2006, 3:55 PM
😁 Ken---
Thanks!!!! What a simple solution (I feel like an idiot for having accidentally turned it off) that Nokia's tech wizards never thought of checking.
I assume it's wiser to install apps to the memory card rather than the phone.
Thanks again.

Feb 26, 2006, 4:44 PM
I always install to memory card. Glad I could help.

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