Audiovox CDM-9900
BitPim W/ Audiovox CDM-9900?
I'm considering the Audiovox CDM 9900 or the LG VX7000.
I had the LG VX700 for 2 weeks before the returned it for the Motorola V710. I was happy with the VX7000 when I had it, but when I saw the screen on the CDM 9900, I was very impressed!
I have used BitPim with the LG VX7000, for uploading and downloading ringtones and images, so that worked great.
BUT, has anyone used BitPim with thier CDM 9900? Can you even?
Compubuff said:
Do a search on here and on howardforums for more info, but so far no one was able to transfer files using BitPim. Apparently they are in a folder that is hidden.
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question. I searched HoFo and Phonescoop and came to that same conclusion, I also read an article about it. The Motorola V710 has the same issue, the images that are stored on the phone are in a hidden folder. This doesn't really matter as much though, because the V710 has a memory card slot...I guess I'm going to stick with the V710...Thanks again.