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Motorola Krave ZN4


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Speed Dial?


Nov 17, 2008, 1:41 PM
I have been reading reviews on the Krave and I am confused about something. Is there any type of "Speed Dial" function on this phone? Example: On my current Sony phone (AT&T) I can call home by simply hitting the number 1 and then "Call. My wife is 2 "call", my son is 3 "call" and so on. Does the Krave have anything similar? What's the fastest way to dial frequently called numbers? Thanks in advance.

Nov 19, 2008, 11:23 PM
Matt_a said:
I have been reading reviews on the Krave and I am confused about something. Is there any type of "Speed Dial" function on this phone? Example: On my current Sony phone (AT&T) I can call home by simply hitting the number 1 and then "Call. My wife is 2 "call", my son is 3 "call" and so on. Does the Krave have anything similar? What's the fastest way to dial frequently called numbers? Thanks in advance.

Presently holding the #1 button is the only conventional Speed Dial and connects to voice mail, *86. There is a firmware update in the works.

The phone has 3 ICE contacts, and "Favorites", so you can get to your 1 touch contacts with 2 taps.

Apr 2, 2009, 6:54 PM
Do you know if that firmware update was ever released? Can that update happen over the air or do you need to bring the phone in to Verizon?

Apr 3, 2009, 7:16 AM
I am not sure about OTA or in the store. I did it directly from http://direct.motorola.com/hellomoto/motosupp ort/source/softwareupdateselect.asp?country=U SA&language=ENS using a USB cable. Worked great, took about 10 minutes. New version is BLAZE1_01.28.02P.

Apr 3, 2009, 10:27 AM
You can't do it over the air... have to either take it to the Verizon store or use the Moto link above. I've seen some brand new phones with the new software though.

Apr 5, 2009, 1:59 PM
I was playing with this phone in the store, it had the latest update which does update itself over the air. I just can't get use to the keyboard; with the flip cover on the left side it makes two thumb typing almost impossible.

Then I was trying the LG Versa for a while; big difference. Even without the attached keyboard; I just use the on screen touch keyboard, it was much more responsive, easier to use, and didn't have that annoying flip in the way. I like the flip but it cause a big issue for typing.

Another thing, although minor, the camera on the Versa seems much better. Again more responsive and has that great LG feature of panorama view picture taking . . . so easy.

All in all, it just seems that LG has their software togethe...

Apr 8, 2009, 11:25 PM
I ordered the Krave for my mom, the package came in and I set it up for her...the new ones come with the updated software. And yes, it does have good old-fashioned speed dial! Looks like they've also changed the way the dialpad looks and added more customizable features (though I haven't spent more than a few minutes with it). Now I'm kinda wishing that I hadn't returned my Krave since it had the best call quality I've seen for a long time. Couldn't do without the speed dials, but now that it's back...too bad, cos my mom loves hers and won't trade for my Voyager.

Apr 16, 2009, 12:31 PM
Funny no more posts on this subject.

Great improvement with the latest moto update.

May 1, 2009, 2:21 PM
haha yea. it's an understated phone for sure...plus the fact that hardly anyone on here is a motorola fan.

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