HP iPAQ hw6920 / hw6925 / hw6915 / hw6945
i am out of contract on Cingular, want another phone, and have been using other pda phones like the crapy htc product (hopelessly under powered and volatile memory issues).
any good suggestions as to a decent roughly $400 price-point?
Recover hw 6945 GPS program
hw6945 vs HTC 8525 or Treo 750
my wifi no longer works
i can no longer connect to the wifi on the phone. someone please help
READ ME, immediate issues
1) the thumb button seems to get stuck. not like it is visible or not, it seems it causes the menus to keep scrolling non-stop. simply hit the button, but it is annoying.
2) NO BATTERY LIFE Two hours after removing from the power cable, it is down to 90% battery. I plan on buying the extended life battery. Just lke the iPod. do nothing and the iPod lasts for 14 hours of play. Frequently change songs? 3-4 hour life span.
3) GPS IS SLOW!!! Hey, standing in the middle of Hollywood showing off my new phone took 5 minutes to get a fix on my location. I tried this all over Los Angeles, and it was always the same. Sometimes it would say number of satellites: 8, 8!!! how can...
Setting to automatically dial 1 at the front of an area code
this is my first post.
I am considering upgrading from my Treo to a HP Ipaq hw6950.
The question I had is:
Is there a setting where you can have "1" dialed automatically at the front of the phone number.
My treo has this feature and It is highly useful when dialing from Outlook (where my contacts are just filed without a 1 -- i.e. 514-333-3333)
6915 vs 6925 vs 6945 differences?
and the 6945 is the unlocked version i take it.
$409 to buy 6925 from cingy (maybe locked, whatever)
$540 to buy a 6945 from online source (unlocked)
photo and video file
6915 or 370
Flight Mode?
Available through Cingular Premier
http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/8652/hp6925lz1.jpg »
when is it coming out
Bye HP
Anyway I don't know if getting the 6900 serries is worth it especially for the money.
GPS & traffic software
The GPS software that HP offers NAVTEQ only has maps for US and I don't think it does the above anyhow.
And if you are contemplating a GSM PDA it's probably because of European travel, so that kills any thought of the NAVTEQ recommendation.
Any thoughts from you gurus...THANKS.
The first orders by Monday
U. S. Celluar