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Dialing with letters on the Q


Sep 14, 2006, 7:03 PM
One of the common frustrations I have heard about the Q is the lack of letters that are shown on normal phone keypads. This makes dialing numbers such as 1-800-callus difficult as well as hampering looking up names in automated corporate directories where you have to enter the first three letters of a last name.

This could be easily addressed with a couple of software enhancements. One would be to show a graphic of a dial pad (as in the Treo's UI) and allow a the user to dial using the scroll wheel or the numbers. The graphic would simply be a visual aid to show you the letters for each number.

Alternatively, the user could enter a mode whereby the phone would allow him or her to dial by letters (a=1, f=2 and so on). A mode butto...

Sep 21, 2006, 3:06 PM
See my original post on this.

https://www.phonescoop.com/phones/p_forum.php?fm=m&f ... »

Toward the end of the trail - a great link is identified:

http://benhirashima.com/hostedFiles/ »

It contains multiple versions of a CAB file that is easily installed and replaces the useless Verizon logo with an image of a alphanumeric keypad while dialing and on calls.
The multiple versions differ by their use of varied images.

I've had this for a while and it works like a charm.

Sep 26, 2006, 3:35 PM
That's great stuff -- now i just need to know what to do with it?

I.e. I am not a techie, and don't know how to install. Anyone?

Oct 4, 2006, 11:29 AM
-Down load the program
-Connect Q to computer with active snyc
-click "explore" tab in active snyc
-copy the whole .CAB file to the mobile device folder.
-use File Manager on the Q to find the dial pad .cab file in the My Documents folder.
-select the file and intall dial pad.
-once installed & Q is restarted you can delete the .CAB file from your Q.

Sep 27, 2006, 10:31 AM
Call them, They have a great department dedicated to the Q. They really know there stuff.

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