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Motorola Q


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Will this work for me?


Jul 25, 2006, 12:00 AM
I am a field sales rep with 2 assistants that set appointments for me. All 3 of us can theoretically be making my appointments at the same time. They need to see the appointments I make and of course I need to see the ones they make for me so I don't have any conflicts. I don't have time to call each asst (who will be using pc's on the internet) to constantly update my calendar on the fly. Will the Q give me the functionality to do this? Any advice will be appreciated.

Jul 25, 2006, 12:31 AM
I don't believe the Q can do this out of the box. Perhaps the MSFP (microsoft feature pack) that is coming soon for the Q might have what you are looking for.

Of course, being the geek I am (I bought the Q with the intent of developing software for it) if I were in your shoes, I'd write a program for the Q that accomplishes that. I'd guess the easiest way to make that work, is a little program that brokers between the Q's calendar, and its e-mail capability...so that the program scans e-mails with particular headings and content, and uses that info to update the calendar (both incoming and outgoing).

Jul 25, 2006, 1:51 PM
If you're hooked up to Microsoft Exchange Server - your appointments will automatically sync with your Outlook Calendar.
Microsoft Outlook has the ability to give "Administrative" access to multiple people (ie: your assistant(s)) - as long as you're using a networked environment.

If you are just using "Active Sync" - you can't do this - as far as I know.

Jul 26, 2006, 3:11 PM
Each assistant will be operating from their home computer - no network. Is there an Internet application or cell phone site that they can use to update my calendar?

Jul 26, 2006, 7:44 PM
I am not aware of services, as you've described, that accomplishes what you are requesting.

Perhaps you should install exchange server at your home, and then have your assistants contact the server through a VPN (virtual private network). A VPN is the common mechanism for people to behave like they are on the same office network, when in fact they are just working from home.

At home, I intermittantly connect to different VPN's, depending on which client I'm doing work for.

Jul 30, 2006, 9:44 PM
if you find an online calendar you can all just access it and modify as needed. It's not as elegant or easy to use, since opening the website often will raise your data usage, but it might work. Couldn't be cookie-based I'd guess.
Maybe one of the calendar plug-in modules for a Google home page might allow you all to access and modify a daily calendar. Not as cool as what you might be able to accomplish with a proper set-up, but maybe it would get it done.

Just some off the cuff ideas...
good luck

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