UTStarcom PPC-6700 / XV-6700 / HTC Apache
Reviews 100+
Mini-SD Help
I recently purchased a 2GB mini-SD card for my XV-6700. I am looking to use it for storage on my phone and to transfer information to and from my laptop. When I insert the card into my phone it prompts me to format it. When I load the card into my laptop it also prompts me to format. When I format it on the laptop the phone does not recognize it. My 512MB card works fine on both. Has anyone else had this problem with the 2GB card? Does anyone have a solution as to how I can get both devices to recognize it? Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.
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PPC-6800 "mogul" the next model...
1 reply
I downloaded a program named ringo to place ringtones for text messages on my phone it works great!
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deleting programs
how do i completely delete a program from my phone?
1 reply
Text message and Voicemail ringtones
If there a way or a hack to set up personal ringtones like mp3s or wmas to play instead of the basic defaults beeps?
12 replies
need help with xv6700 call forwarding? !@#$%^
I am switching to t mobile and tried to set up call forwarding on my XV6700 and followed instructions
in the help section of phone to hit menu on phone screen then options , then services locate call forwarding and press get settings
but Call Forwarding is not in the list ? is there a way to add more services so I can set up call forwarding
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AIM for this phone?
Hey, I cant decide between this phone or the Treo 700wx from Verizon. Is there an AIM program I can pay for or download for free that will work like there is for the Treo?
thanks in advance guys.
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xv6700 voice recognition
Is there any software available that can make the xv6700 pda phone work by using the steering wheel voice recognition button on a toyota vehicle?
Verizon Wireless XV-6700 most necessary registry edits
Just thought I would post this, sorry if this is already in the forums, but when I looked around yesterday I didn't find this stuff, so I searched the net and found some of this info. I just got the XV-6700 and I like the phone a lot. After these registry edits the phone is much better then the Treo 650.
First for these registry edits you will need to download a Registry Editor to help you do it, a good one to use is PHM Registry Editor.
1. Speed Up Your Windows Mobile Pocket PC:
Change the value of 'limit' from 8192 to 32768
Close registry editor and soft reset.
2. How to enable Wifi and Phone service at the same time:
Find a key called 'Mut...
64 replies
Modem with vista operating system with qwest
anyone know how to configure the ppc with a vista system as a modem for my laptop??
Apr 14, 2007, 6:02 PM
PHM Reg Edits...
I just wanted to make sure that that long list of posts about registry edits will work for Sprint's version: PPC-6700? I know it's kinda the same exact phone, but there are some minor differences.
camera problems
i just received this refurbished phone and everythings great except for the camera. the camera app loads up really slow, but after the interface (tools, video/funframs,etc.) loads up, the screen is black, as if there is something blocking the lens.
as far as i know, there is no blockage. does anyone have any ideas.
Mar 24, 2007, 3:44 AM
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) - blank screen
Does anyone use FTP to upload files to a website? I use Godaddy as my hosting account, and CANNOT get any files to show up on the screen. I've tried:
Orneta(the free version and their paid version)
Total Command 2.5
They all give the same results! I cannot figure out what's going on! Anyone had similar issues in the past?
2 replies
Apr 7, 2007, 3:14 PM
picture in start menu?
Every so often my picture will appear on the drop down start menu rather than the today screen. I actually like having it in the start menu but I am unable to figure out how to set a picture in it. Everytime I reset the picture it goes back to the today screen. Does anybody know how this happens, or if there is a way to set a picture in the drop down start menu?
Apr 4, 2007, 8:00 PM
XV-6700 Bluetooth question
Does anyone know of a way to get an audible or visual confirmation of a successful blue tooth headset connection on this phone? 😎
Mar 30, 2007, 7:59 AM
Getiin' Real Sick of this POS!!
I mean, the phone itself isn't so bad, but nothing I ever try to download works on this thing. Not many games, applications, etc have worked with this phone over the past year.
Then, after 8 months of WMP 11 syncing movies perfectly..it just...STOPPED. Yes, I know how to sync music with WMP11, but movies (for me) absolutely DO NOT WORK. So, I downgrade back to WMP9, and it works okay for a good while. Then...BOOM! Now every time I try to sync a movie it syncs it in two seconds. Problem is, the damn movie isn't there. Just a 9.24k file in the video folder of my Mini-SD card. So, no movies now too! I realize it may just be outside elements, but this is starting to feel like a real rip-off...
Mar 23, 2007, 3:57 PM
WMP / Widescreen Movies...
I was using WMP 11, and when I'd sync a movie to my 6700 it would transfer it in widescreen. (If the movies was widescreen) Well, now WMP 11 doesn't work with syncing video files for me, so I'm back to using WMP 9. I can still sync movie files to my 6700, but they are never in Widescreen anymore. Does anyone know of ANY OTHER 'FREE' PROGRAMS that might be able to sync these files to my pda in Widescreen format?!
1 reply
Hello all. I know that this phone has been out for a minute and I wondering if anyone knows if an updated version is on the horizon.
Falis to recognize MP3 files
Just curious if anyone else has experienced the same or similar. My 6700 has stopped recognizing MP3 files. I can play wav files without a problem. I figured I would throw my feelers out to see if any experienced this to find a root cause. I will probably do a hard reset and start from scratch...
- Rukshan
3 questions about my Verizon 6700.....
1) I went to the Verizon store today and purchased the Motorola HT820 BlueTooth headphones and the guy told me that they would work for my phone (listening to MP3s), however I needed to download some special software that he explained to me (however it wasn't there). Are ANY Blue Tooth headphones compatible with this phone, if so, how do I make it so I can listen to the MP3s?
2)For some odd reason, people who I am text messaging are getting my e-mails attached to the text message. I AM NOT forwarding anything or accidentally sending the text, but I'll text someone and they will say "you just forwarded 4 of your e-mails to me". This happens about once a week. Any idea what is causing this or how to make this stop?
3) Verizon phones ...
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