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Motorola RAZR V3c


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Jan 21, 2006, 12:29 AM

Any pics of cool cases that any of you have gotten?

has anyone had a cool cell phone case for this phone? there are so many to choose from and i want to make sure i invest in a good one. Anyone have any pics of their cases?

i am liking the silicone case and a few of the horizontal leather ones. please give some input.thanks
4 replies

Jan 21, 2006, 11:13 PM

Bluetooth Headset

I have just entered the headset community. I am using it for the car, for hands-free calling. My first impressions: I am using the cardo scala-500.
1. Had some pairing problems in the beginning. Cardo is terrible with email support, but good on phone support. Suggested I remove the scala from the device list, take the battery out and then start over again. This seems to have taken care of the problem.
2. Voice recognition seems ok, but have noticed the following "problems". I have two contacts named Lorna and Norma, as you can imagine it can never get it quite right but I will just change one of the names to solve this. One of the other names is Roanne. What I hear in the headset is a garbled Ro-----, don't know why that happens...

Jan 13, 2006, 11:55 PM

Unauthorized Charger

Just tried to plug my RAZR into my Blackberry charger (same exact spec, output - identical) and it says: Unauthorized Charger.... 😡

I also tried to connect it to my PC to charge and it also said the same thing UNTIL I installed the Moto Phone tools.
3 replies

Jan 17, 2006, 3:13 PM

Need help with MPT

Okay is this possible.... im getting a new razr because it seems my speakerphone is faulty. Does anybody know how to transfer my pics to my fone so i can retransfer them bak to my new phone? Thanks in advacne.
9 replies

Jan 16, 2006, 10:47 PM


The pink razr is coming to Verizon before Feb. 14, this phone is for all the ladies that like the razr and like pink. This razr is going to be $349.99 with a two year contract. (There is probably going to be a mail in rebate). This razr is a pale pink so it is not as bright as the T-Mobile Version. (I think) I got this info for VZW Customer Service
6 replies
User Name

Jan 17, 2006, 5:50 PM

just wondering....

Is it worth the money?
21 replies

Jan 19, 2006, 10:51 PM

Mobile Phone Management tool reviewed by CNet



1 reply

Dec 28, 2005, 1:15 PM

What store would have MOBILE PHONETOOLS? :)

Im almost convinced its impossible to get in by walking into a store and is only available online...

I all of the following websites:
verizon, staples, bestbuy, compusa, radioshack, circuitcity...

where the HELL could I get this stupid software without having to order it online?

anyone? any suggestions? I HATE MPT already!! 😉
9 replies

Jan 19, 2006, 6:00 PM

vibrate with sound

does anyone know if there will be an update so the phone can have high sound with vibrate...probably the one thing holding me back from this phone...
1 reply

Jan 19, 2006, 3:32 PM

Anyone heard about a software update??????

Just wondering if anyone had heard of a new software update reently?
1 reply

Jan 6, 2006, 1:53 PM

You think I can replace Housing of my phone with a DUMMY phone?????

Wondering if anyone could tell me if this could be done. I dropped mine and i'm sooooo pissed.
3 replies

Jan 17, 2006, 12:25 AM

Vibrate mode

How strong/weak is the vibration mode on the RAZR? My 815 has a very weak vibration alert, how does the RAZR compare to the 815?
3 replies

Jan 16, 2006, 11:10 AM

razr v3c vx e815

This question has been posted many times yet I have not really received alot of responses. Could someone give me input on which phone is the clear and better choice? My sister has the e815 and so far, she only has the echo rarely, although she uses a headset OFTEN! Maybe the echo is mostly without the headset? I own a LG 6100 and I constantly hear a beeping (low and high beeps) when the phone is turned on low. NOW, my sister has her phone turned all the way down and she is coming in very loud which makes me put my phone on low. Will I have problems conversing with her if I have an e815 and she also does? Please any input would be great. Verizon just dropped the price of the e815 today!
5 replies

Jan 16, 2006, 4:01 PM

Phone speaks when going thru contacts

Hey guys,

I recently bought a V3c and I can't seem to figure out how to make the phone stop reading out the names when I scroll through my contact list. It's getting a bit embarrassing/annoying. Anyone know how to stop this? It stopped yesterday for some reason back today it's doing it again.

2 replies

Jan 15, 2006, 11:33 PM

RAZR speakerphone

Does the V3c have a true full duplex speakerphone (ie seperate frequencies for sender and receiver) In other words, is it truly office quality speakerphone?
Not concerned too much about volume, just 2 way simultaneous talking by both parties.

TIA, Bill
1 reply

Dec 23, 2005, 8:14 PM


Get this... 1 1/2 weeks ago I purchased the Razr. On my line I previously used a V60c. Unhappy with the Razr's terrible battery life, I planned to return it within the 15 "worry free" period - expecting that my account would be reverted to its original state. However, when attempting the return VZ hit me with a big surprise that I was NOT happy with. Apparently the FCC's regulation regarding E911 compliant phones went into effect and VZ was no longer able to pair my v60c with my line. After arguing in store, politely arguing with customer support, etc... no success. Customer Support offered the possibility that the store would swap out my V60c with that of a refurbished Mot 276, which I agreed to, however when discussing with a store manager...
21 replies

Jan 15, 2006, 6:11 PM

Free Games???

Is there any way to get free games onto the razr??? Thanks for any help.

Jan 14, 2006, 8:50 PM

Speed Dial display question

What's up with EVERY # showing in the Speed Dial view. If there is no entry you see "unassigned".

Has anyone figured out how to display only the location that are filled ... like a normal phone? I have NEVER seen a phone that displayed all the empty locations like this!
2 replies

Jan 15, 2006, 12:09 PM

Moto UI

So has anyone figured out how to remove the Verizon UI and put the Moto UI on the razr?

Jan 14, 2006, 2:58 PM

cell skins

has anybody used the cell skins? i see them on http://accessorygeeks.com/motorola-v3-army-fa ceplate.html

thats the one im looking for. Does anybody know if you take it off itll leave glue and marks and stuff? thanks
4 replies
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