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Manually loading songs on iTunes


Feb 23, 2006, 9:39 AM
my slvr's primary iTunes connection is to my desktop pc and it works fine, but there are a few songs on my laptop i would like to add to the phone. when i connect it to the laptop, i get the "...would you like to make this the primary library and replace all songs..." from iTunes. i select "no" but then the phone never appears in iTunes for manually adding/deleting songs. i do this frequently with my nano and never have any problems. any ideas???

Feb 23, 2006, 11:37 AM
i've had the same thing happen with mine. apparently, if you hit "yes" it will erase your songs and load up the new library. i think itunes only allows one libray at a time, otherwise ppl would be plugging into their friends comp and downloading the tunes illegaly.

Feb 23, 2006, 2:56 PM
From your laptop - find the songs you want and email them to yourself. Open your email up on the desktop and put them in your iTunes library. Or - if you have a thumb drive - copy them to it from the laptop and put them on your desktop PC. 😁

Feb 23, 2006, 9:23 PM
i had bluetoothed an entire album to my desktop and into iTunes but i had never tried to play them on the desktop. once i did, and was promted to "authorized" the computer to play them, it worked fine!!! thanks for the replies 😁

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