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Samsung SCH-i730


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Got mine today from a retail outlet!!!


Jul 5, 2005, 7:14 PM
Went to the Verizon kiosk at the mall to ask if they knew if they would have the phone available there on Thurs (July 7th). The manager said 'yes...in fact, I'll sell you one today if you'd like.' YIKES.... what a surprise! So packaged up that baby and took it home. Got the i700 car charger which is suppose to work, and a universal pouch (there were two types, and one fit better then the standard black leather kind). Just afraid of dropping the thing now is the only reason to put it in a pouch..it looks too good to hide it!

Hope that all the other windows PDA pitfalls don't happen with this device. Did find out that while EVDO is available in the Seattle area, I live too far to get the reception at my home. It did work at the store though...

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