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Samsung SCH-i730


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The I730 should have been delayed longer


Jul 3, 2005, 9:19 AM
I stated a few days back the PDA portion of the I730 was great!!! When it came to the actual phone operation, it was horrible.Any consumer would think Samsung and Verizon would make a great phone and possible an OK PDA. This is not the case they spent to much time developing a PDA and forgot about what they know best phones. The layout of the buttons suck!!!!, I kept trying to get 3 way calls going (for business) and i kept dropping all the lines, the speaker is pitiful!!!! the contact list is hard to dial from, the speaker sound goes in and out, having "stereo" internal speakers you would think the volume would be loud its not, the sound is muffled. Not too mention the inferior WI-FI system.
I overall was very disappointed with the Samsu...

Jul 5, 2005, 8:14 PM
WM 5 should take care of a lot of the phone issues you mentioned as well as better power usage and data protection during power loss. WM5 has been out for a couple of months, and the beta version has been out for a lot longer. Samsung usually does it as good or better than most, but I think they might have blown it by not making a greater effort to release it with WM5. They may have lost you and others unnecessarily.

The volume and muffled sound is another issue. If it's a hardware problem, that's a big drawback. The XV6600 had similar problems. Some had software fixes.

I like the idea of a phone/PDA/broadband internet/camera in one device. The Treo doesn't cut it, the XV6600 crashes and burns daily, and now you are saying that the...

Jul 6, 2005, 8:02 AM
I too like the idea of having all in one.The treo 650 although very bulky did a reasonable job, My only reasoning for not staying with it was the Palm OS I'm not as big fan of this operating system. There were a few glitches but nothing like the I730. The I730 is an excellent buy at 399.00, In my opinion it is not worth 600.00. If WM 5 will take care of a majority of the problems I experienced, I would have thought for the price Samsung would have put it on the I730 to begin with. So now all you lucky folks will have to pay an additional charge for the new OS, if only to fix problems that should have never happened to begin with.
But this is my opinion, which is worth about a nickel.
Good luck

Jul 6, 2005, 11:16 AM
Some folks don't mind being early adopters and can live with the bugs. But the real sticking point for me is the price. No phone is worth what Verizon is asking for. If you can get it under $400, then fine, but anything more is just plain stupid.

Jul 6, 2005, 5:07 PM
I too didnt mind being an "Adopter" but not at the 600 price . Thats why I returned the I730

Jul 6, 2005, 5:56 PM
FYI, I don't think VZN is going to charge for the WM 5 upgrade. (But then again, Gates does like money.)

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