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Feb 17, 2005, 12:26 AM
I know this question is not about Motorola cell phones, but I think this forum is not a bad place to ask.

I used to have the $69/month Sprint family plan, which would actually cost about $77 per month after taxes and fees added. Now I switched to the $79/month Cingular family plan, and its monthly bill is about $100 with taxes and fees.

Do taxes and fees differ from company to company?

Feb 17, 2005, 9:16 AM
Taxes should be the same from company to company. The only diff is the Local Number Portability charge that each carrier has. I believe with Cingular that it is $1.25/line/mo.

I had Verizon previously and had the $39.99 plan with no added features. The bill with tax was $49.

I now have Cingular Family Talk...$59.99 + $9.99. I don't have any additional features added to my account but the basics and my total with tax is $88 for 2 lines.

Hope this helps.

Feb 17, 2005, 1:52 PM
You need to make sure you average $8-$12 dollars in taxes per line.

Mar 1, 2005, 12:06 PM
The general taxes will stay the same but there are some 'taxes and other fees' which the wireless company regulates to keep in compliance with the wireless world and what not (b/c they have to pay certain fees to keep in compliance with FCC and other government area, they pass this on to the cust sometimes as flat rate or as a percentage). And it's these other 'fees and taxes' which make the difference in taxes and how much your bill comes out to in the end. Well this is how I see this issue.

Mar 12, 2005, 3:02 PM
We actually have a few fees.. they differ per market.

Cost recovery fee - this is to cover costs WE encure by the fcc

911 monthly - this allows so all phones can dial 911 even with out service.

Some times you get toll charges and well really there is other things that could be causing this.. then again how many lines do you have?

79.99 + 9.99(1 line) =90 bucks off the top..

plus the taxes very state to state even to county soem counties charge tax all this hould be on your bill.

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