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Razr V3 bluetooth link with 2005 Audi A6


Oct 30, 2005, 5:52 PM
I have turned a lemon into lemonade! I lost my V3 silver that I bought in April. I went to buy the black razr (painful $300.00). I found that whatever new software Moto put into the new phone, the link is now much better! I can now use the MMI's (multi media interface) soft key for End Call to actually end the calls. On my silver razr I had to hit the end button on the phone. Now I can just hit the button on my car's console. It might be worth it spending the $300 big ones to have use of the phone that works! 🙂

Just thought you should know.


Nov 14, 2005, 12:34 PM
Hey i have a 2005 Audi A6. Looking into getting a v3, does the phonebook transfer ok with the v3 and a6? Thanks

Nov 14, 2005, 4:50 PM
GSM phones only synch with the SIM card memory. The razr's memory is 1000 numbers and I have 500 used. SIM cards only hold 250 so I do not use the phonebook feature. I do have about 15 numbers stored on the SIM card, but they show up twice when you scroll on the phone's address book because there is no way of isolating one memory from the other. In other words, you can see on the Audi's MMI any number stored on the SIM.

I hope that helps.

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