Sony Xperia X
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Feb 22, 2016, 1:21 PM
over in the "Hands On with Sony's Xperia X Series" discussion:
Am I the only one who hates cuved glass fronts?
I really really dislike the curved glass on the front of phones, it makes putting a glass screen protector much harder as it can't go all the way to the edges :-\
3 replies
Feb 22, 2016, 1:21 PM
over in the "Sony Committed to US, Despite Lacking Carrier Deals" discussion:
New Compacts?
I hope this means that whatever new higher-end devices, Z6 Compact or the like, also comes to the US, with all features like the fingerprint sensor. Though I like the metal back of the new phones they just announced, I'm way too addicted to glass screen protectors to ever want something with a curved front glass, since then you can't ever cover it and have it look normal like on a flat glass screen.