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Samsung Galaxy J7 (2016, CDMA)


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Playing YouTube videos while phone is locked


Oct 18, 2016, 10:51 PM
When I first got this phone I immediately noticed my phone was playing YouTube videos while locked. My s5 was unable to do this. I also noticed if I removed an aux or headphones the music will continue to play off the phone stereo. On my s5 it would stop any media immediately.

Now all of a sudden my galaxy j7 can't play YouTube whilst locked. And now the music is cutting off when I remove the aux. I thought this was a new feature from upgrading, but I did some research and couldn't find any information on others playing YouTube videos while the phone is locked.

How about you guys ? I want to know if I disabled something accidentally, which I have not to my knowledge messed with the options yet. Was this some bug to begin with?

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