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LG VX-7000


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It's Going Back


Jul 29, 2004, 10:11 AM
Just got one from Verizon yesterday. After reading all of the great reviews, I was thrilled to get my hands on this. While it's a great phone - it has one MAJOR problem. There is a very bright LED on the front that flashes in every disco color you can imagine when there is an incoming call. It *cannot* be shut off. I like to be discrete when in mtg's - Vibrate is my best friend - Now everyone can see that I've got a call coming in. Great phone but simply astounding that this cannot be shut off. I've called VW support, searched the web, the best answer I can find is 'cover it with electrical tape'.
Any thoughts are more than appreciated.

Jul 29, 2004, 12:01 PM
So as to not be misunderstood... I'm not trying to be a smart a**, just some suggestions. How about turning it face down (on a table) or toward you if you keep it in a pouch? Or keep it in a breast pocket or coat pocket? Or to be really discrete in meetings... turning it off?

Certainly each to his own. I think the lights are "workable" and actually useful for bums like me that have the phone ringing when I'm sleeping and in the dark (in my business I often work at night and sleep during the day with blackout curtains). Makes it easy to find. Sometimes I even know who is calling if I remember which ringtone goes to which person!

I doubt VZW or LG will rework the firmware to turn off the lights. I'm trying to figure out if this ...

Jul 29, 2004, 12:13 PM
no worries - and no offense taken.
I'm a creature of habit.. I fear change. Phone must be on belt clip, must be on vibrate at all times. I'd likely break it in pants pocket.
In terms of turning it off - Not possible as sometimes - based on caller - I need to get up and leave whatever I'm doing.
I have a couple of weeks to figure out if it's to big a deal or not. WOuld likely jump to Samsung 670 or such if she goes back. It's ashamed, it really is a nice phone. It's simply staggering that they would not include the option to shut it off - given that it will do just about anything else for you.
In terms of firmware, I would think they'll get much push for this feature. Traditionally is this type of request unlikely?
Oh well - thanks for r...

Jul 29, 2004, 3:40 PM
I too recently purchased the LG VX-7000 and am not a fan of the "bling bling". This phone nearly cost me my life the other night when I was driving across state for what I thought would be a hot and wild night of scrabble. Instead I drove my car off the side of the road and into the brush when I was startled by a mobile rave in my car... wrong number while in the middle of east bum-f%&@*, naturally.

Luckily, I still had my old cell and was able to flag in one of the locals by calling myself and using the VX-7000 as a beacon of light. I shined that thing right into his living room. Super effective.

We eventually pushed the car back out into the road and I made it across state. However, my date froze up when lights started blazing throu...

Jul 29, 2004, 7:51 PM
This is what I did;

Take out the 6 rubber dots on the front flip to find small Phillips head screws that need to be taken out. One out then take a thin razor and assist the front flip housing apart(the blue faceplate doesn't come off)

You will see the 2 LEDS on either side of the flash(seprate) take electrical tape cover them, then put the housing back on and your all set. It wont interfere with the flash either.

Looks exactly the same when you are done! dosent look modified at all

I love the phone so much more w/o those lights

Aug 2, 2004, 1:07 PM
Mine has never done it, no disco lights, no nothing, its been like that since I bought it. I would be annoyed to if it lit up on every incoming call. It must be a fluke why mine doesnt do it, but im not complaining no other problems with it....I LOve it

Aug 3, 2004, 2:15 PM
Say what? You mean when the phone is sitting there minding its own business, and you get an incoming call, the lights above the front LCD don't light up???? 😳 You have a very special phone, likely a defective one. Guess if all else works its okay, but if you ever decide to sell it, you're going to get a lot less for a defective phone. Just a thought.

Jul 29, 2004, 12:15 PM
I think you will be disapointed with any other phone. Like Herkdrvr said, put it in you pocket or turn it off.

I too read all the reviews and alot of people complain about the lights. The lights don't bother me near as much as the lights on the LG 6000.

Just my .02


Jul 29, 2004, 12:57 PM
The lights actually caused seizures with my girlfriend's pet cat. I had to return it right away. Does anyone know if the VX8000 gets rid of those lights?

Jul 29, 2004, 2:13 PM
🙄 🙄 🙄

i also thought that the disco lights are a nuisance, but my friends think it's WAY cool...once everyone in class got the same one we all got used to it...in fact we got the teacher to turn off the lights in the room and we all called each other and had a party, it was awesome to be sitting in the dark i think you should try it...whats the big deal anyways the phone has so many featurs that it blows away my old nokia...if you can't handle the technology maybe the technology is handling you 🤣 🤣 i can't believe you actually don't like the lights, don't you have better things to do 🤣 🤣 😳 🤣

Jul 29, 2004, 3:20 PM
buddy - those lights are cool! You must be an old man or something because that's the new thing. Don't waste your time buying new technology if all you want is a dial tone and a vibrator. Sounds like you'd be happy with an analog Startac and a new neck massager from Brookstone.

Aug 2, 2004, 11:21 AM

I have never laughed this hard about a reply in my life. out loud alone in my apartment.. thanks

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