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LG VX-7000


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Sending Video files to the 7000?


Nov 26, 2004, 3:51 PM
Does anyone know of a way to send small video clips to the 7000? I was able to successfully send .midi sound files for ring tones. Is there a special format that I need to convert them to or add a specific file extension?

Thanks for your attention.

Nov 26, 2004, 7:07 PM
I'm exchanging the LX 6100 because the sound constantly broke up and I already exchanged the Samsong a650 because it got so hot. How does the sound compare with the LX 7000? Does it heat up? And are there some bells and whistles for my daughter? In other words, I'm tired and I would like to exchange my phone for one good one finally.

Nov 26, 2004, 8:56 PM
I've only had my 7000 for a couple days but I can give you some advice. As for the heat I haven't really made any long calls yet but it has never heated up on me. About the bells and whistles....YES! There is a camera with video capability, great screen, light show when someone calls, or when making a call etc. I don't think you will be sorry if you purchase this phone.

Nov 26, 2004, 9:27 PM
no you won't. i don't have this phone yet, but i'm going to buy it in a few days. my uncle has it right now, and its great compared to my moto v120e, yes it has been good to me over the past year, but its time to move on. i've had my eyes on the vx7000 for a while, but now that i can upgrade, i'm going to go out and get it.

Nov 30, 2004, 6:26 PM
How do you send those files?

please e-mail me at 1stunna@tampabay.rr.com

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