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Audiovox CDM-9900


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Battery Life and forcing analog


Oct 16, 2004, 9:04 PM
Hey does this happen to anyone else or is the battery indicator alittle screwy? Sometimes if I leave my phone on it'll go down to red, and once I restart it it'll get 2 blues. Also, how long has anyone gotten regarding battery life? I've only had this phone for about 4 days but I pretty much have to recharge it every night (with moderate use). Is the 15.8 days alittle farfetched? And lastly, can anyone tell me how to force analog or force digital on this phone? Thanks alot

Oct 17, 2004, 2:49 PM
The battery life on this phone is better than most..I am able to get 2 days of good usage before charging it. Also one thing to keep in mind when charging phones is that you don't want to leave them on the charger all night. many people do this and it will drain the life of your battery. Also make sure that your phone is very low on battery and needs charging or it will always die early on you.
Hope this helps.

Oct 17, 2004, 3:23 PM
Sorry jennr. You CAN leave the phone on the charger all night and it won't overcharge. That will not, and cannot, "drain the life" of the battery. When the phone's red "charging" LED turns off automatically, the phone is fully charged and its "smart" circuitry will not allow further charging.

Also, you are NOT correct in saying "make sure that your phone is very low on battery and needs charging or it will always die early". The CDM9900 uses Lithium-Ion (Li-ion)battery technology that does not have the infamous "memory effect" to which your concerns apply. The old first generation Nickel Cadmium (NiCad)batteries were subject to the "memory effect". Even the intermediate technology, Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH), was not subject to "me...

Oct 22, 2004, 4:43 PM
While you are correct in saying that there is no memory affect in a Lith Ion batt. It is still a good idea to drain the batt down before charging. Lith Ion battery life, as in the ability to hold a charge, is based on charge cycles. If you are only down one bar on the batt. and you charge it, that is a charge cycle. If you drain it all the way down then charege, it is a charge cycle. Your batt will last you longer, as in how long the battery is able to hold that good charge, not the actual charge itself, if you drain it down before you charge it.

Oct 17, 2004, 4:23 PM
Fortunately, you are not correct. With these new phones, you do not need to worry about memory effect. Also, the phones prevents over-charging, so you CAN leave it on the charger all night and not have to worry about it.

Oct 22, 2004, 4:18 PM
To force phone into analog , #1 Left soft key to enter Menu, #2 Press 7* Enter (Debug menu), #3 option 4 (Force Mode)Enter. #4 Scroll down to 3rd option J-STD008 force to p_rev1. I believe if you want all digital it is the same except the 2nd option instead of 3rd in step #4, or go to the network settings and select home only.

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