Samsung Rugby III
Reviews 3
Samsung Rugby3 freezing and rebooting when editing contact or adding contact to SIM card?
Hello. I have a Samsung Rugby 3 and I have had it for about a month. I am having a problem with it freezing and rebooting. I bought my first Samsung Rugby 3 in early February, took it back for this freezing and rebooting problem that I am having an issue with. I got it replaced with the one I currently have. I sent the current one in for repairs and it came back doing the same thing. What happens is when I attempt to edit a contact's telephone number that is stored on the SIM card, the phone will freeze. It beeps rapidly, freezes, the screen blinks once, then comes back on, auto adjusting the brightness, then the phone reboots. Sometimes, after doing all of that, it will shut itself off altogether. I have also begun to notice it doi...
2 replies
over in the "Review: Samsung Rugby III for AT&T" discussion:
The article mentions "EPTT" (AT&T's own acronym for what it likes to call "enhanced" PTT). The "enhanced" part really refers to additional business-class features recently added by AT&T, things like interoperability with LMR (land mobile radio), integration with workforce field tracking & time reporting, etc.—capabilities that Nextel had ten or more years ago.
I tried AT&T's "EPTT" in a local AT&T store, coincidentally in an area with no LTE service yet, so it was operating on the 3G AT&T network. The performance could only be described as "push-to-wait...and then some". Initial PTT "setup times" on four different phones they demonstrated for me were on the order of ten seconds to establish first connection. When you're accustomed to Nex...
1 reply
Mar 21, 2013, 5:35 PM
over in the "Review: Samsung Rugby III for AT&T" discussion:
Compared to the Rugby II?
I don't know if you've used it, but would you say it's a step up or down from the Rugby II (since it's still available and half the price)?
1 reply
Samsung Rugby III phone freezing and rebooting problem?
I purchased a Samsung Rugby III almost two weeks ago and while I really enjoy this phone, there is one problem I am experiencing with it. All of my contacts are saved on my SIM card and when I go to edit a number on the SIM card and I erase the number, the phone freezes, the screen turns off, then comes back on, automatically adjusting the brightness to a higher setting, while still frozen, then reboots by itself. Sometimes it shuts itself off. I have replaced this phone once already at an AT&T store and I have done an online chat with a Samsung employee. I think there is a problem with the SIM card or the operating system on the phone. When I copied a contact to my phone and made the changes there, the phone was fine. It does this fre...
over in the "Samsung Rugby III Hits AT&T December 14 for $99" discussion:
Is this phone any different than the one they released 5 years ago?
3 replies