LG Extravert
Reviews 4
Jun 19, 2013, 2:49 AM
My contacts are locked!
I am unable to figure out why my contacts are locked on my Extravert. The [Edit], [Erase], [Add New], [More] keys that used to be there are gone. The only key left is [Back] that extends across the area where the other choices used to be.
I have VZW Backup Assistant and using it online is the only way I can modify my contacts. I thought maybe it was the source of the lock, but a *RESET# did not resolve it. My outgoing calls have never been blocked.
1 reply
I really loved it... for a week.
Loved my little extravert... for about a week. Now it refuses to connect to the internet, and the nice people at verizon say to bring it in, the memory is probably full and needs to be flashed... The phone itself claims the memory is just fine, but we'll see.
Verizon apologized, saying 'we consider it a phone with 'issues' right now...' I'd strongly suggest NOT spending the dollars until or unless that changes.
2 replies
Jun 19, 2013, 3:21 AM
Intermittent Bluetooth Connection
My Extravert will connect to two devices alternatively for about four or five times then it quits connecting--even manually. After it fails, I can't pair either. The only solution that seems to work is rebooting the phone or turning off Bluetooth for several minutes, then I'm good for a few more connections.
Has anyone else experienced this? Any solutions?
Music Issue?
When I have more then around 12gig of music on the SD card 16 or a 32gig when I try to go to play music the phone will say "initializing" for a couple mins then the phone will reset not allowing me to play music. The problem comes and goes with no way to tell if or how or when it will do it. Called LG and Verizion they have no clue,,,have a new one on the way to test it.
Aug 1, 2012, 2:41 PM
shift key on this phone
Hey just got this phone and can't figure out how to use the shift key for punctuation, etc. When I hit shift and then the letter key I just get that letter and same thing if I hold down the shift key and press letter key at the same time. are keys or numbers locked? first time with a qwerty keypad- old dinosaur phone had to keep pressing keys down to get correct letter/number. any help would be appreciated. hope i don't have a lot of problems with memory as others have.
I need a little help :\
... but I accidentally changed the language to Korean, and now I can't change it back. 😕
All I need to know is where the language changing button is (with directions like: fourth from the top or something) and you will have made my day. 😁
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lg extravert
well as a phone its okay. i had it for a week and i had to return it because for no apparent reason all my phone memory was used up. i never bought any apps or ringtones. anything that would use any memory. i had a sd card which still didnt help. so after calling verizon they told me to just return the phone which i did. i just traded it for a new one. and at the moment my memory is slowly dissapearing. after the memory is gone it will not let you open the internet. also after i'm on youtube for awhile it'll quit working for awhile. usually until the next day. other then that it would be a ok phone. verizon also said they been having problems with the extravert.
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