BlackBerry Torch 9800
RIM Will Soon Start Courting Buyers
Google will buy RIM for their patents and make their OS a paid app for the Android Platform.
RIM will not see the end of Q1 2013 (end of Q2 at the latest)
Zinc Saucier
OK Seriously
cant wait for the iphn i5 5G!!!!!
ATTs idea of HSPA+ is a shame
Blackberry Torch 9800 Battery life
I am not really sure what the best way to charge it is. Charge on or off? Let battery run out?
Any suggestions?
BlackBerry Torch
Jealous of the form factor
Cases Finally Here
http://www.eaccess-estore.com/store/start.asp?catego ... »
Productivity apps
so far I like Phone Logger, yelp, and Edit Documents To Go.
Even wonder about grocery lists apps and whatever is truly helpful to organize, etc..
Any other suggestions for the business user or writer type with phone.
how long an AT&T exclusive? when VZW?
Email & Calls over Wi-Fi?
Browser problems
To all the iOS4 and Android lovers out there...
Amazon drops price to $99.99, waives activation fee through 08/31/2010
Maybe at&t will drop the price 🤣