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Motorola V600


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Just a guess...


Feb 10, 2004, 11:38 AM
I still stand by the date of February 16th as the official release date nationwide.


I'll willing to hedge a guess that we will start to see people turn up with the phone as soon as the 13th. I'm sure the phone is in the process of getting out to the retailers as I type this. And with as many rabid people that have posted on this forum, I am sure we will all use whatever resources and contacts we have to finally get this phone.

As far as unlocking goes, I still have no idea where anyone can have a phone unlocked. Right now, I am using a Cingular V400 which comes unlocked. I popped my AT&T SIM in and it was good to go. I used AT&Ts website to program my mMode and MMS over the air.


The phone isnt fully operatio...

Feb 10, 2004, 3:09 PM
hot_md_guy, you seem to know quite a bit about this highly anticipated handset....any idea how much AT&T will be charging for it? I have been waiting for it for a while too....

Feb 10, 2004, 5:07 PM
1 year agreement: $339.99
2 year agreement: $299.99
No service agreement: $369.99

Feb 11, 2004, 7:15 AM
Hey hot_md_guy, how or where will you be able to purchase this phone with no service agreement?

Feb 11, 2004, 4:53 PM
You have to be an ATTW customer to purchase this phone from ATTW. They give you 3 pricing options as some ATTW customers just want to purchase while others would like take advantage od discounts and new plans offered.

Feb 12, 2004, 10:32 AM
no rebates on this phone at all or are these prices after the rebate?

Feb 13, 2004, 1:18 AM
Some how I tend to agree with your assesment of phone availability. Every one don't seem to want to understand that the sales staff don't know what is happening so now they started to say, nevr, April, May or may be June. They just want all these questions be gone and go back to selling to make a living, after all they all work on commision.

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