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LG Voyager VX-10000


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Some music player details for you


Nov 20, 2007, 9:05 PM
First off, the phone is fantastic. Had the Env since January and have used it as my mp3 player with Motorola S9 stereo bt headphones.

On the Voyager, there is no equalizer function like they gave the Venus. Nor can you minimize the music player and go initialize a text or get into the phones menu or surf the web. It has the same music player of the Env. I don't understand why they give the chocolate and Venus a "go to menu" option and not the voyager.

It stil pauses the music when u receive a call or text and resumes where you left off when done. Also, if you exit the music player and go back into it, it starts at the beginning of the play list so no flash memory yet.

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