Nokia N95 8GB
Reviews 14
Just a couple questions...
Will this phone be able to sync with my Vista 64 notebook computer?
Does this phone have a note or memo pad feature?
N95 8GB messed up
My N95-8GB has different colored lines on the screen that go in and out, i think it is because of a website i went on, the site on my home computer does the same thing on my monitor with these lines, but on my phone the lines show up on all screens on my phone. is there anyway to get rid of these lines? i have only had it for a few months!
Crash a lot?
I heard a review about the N95 that it crashes often. It is certainly packed with features, but do they play well together? Thanks!
1 reply
May 11, 2008, 8:14 AM
I'm really attracted to this phone and would like to switch from my Blackberry to this one. I don't use DATA PLAN but my Blackberry comes in handy with the Personal Information Management features such as calendars, to do list, schedules/appointments. How is PIM feature on this phone in comparison to a blackberry?
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over in the "Nokia N95 U.S. Receives Firmware Upgrade" discussion:
Upgraded Mine Today
Flashed my N95-3 with the new firmware, seems nice, abit snappier. Only hitch was when I restored I had to reset my irc settings and registration on wirelessirc.
Screen Question
Is it plastic or glass
N95-4 NAM Is A Great Phone
For those looking for a great phone with great features, look no further. It has the newest Symbian firmware and a huge screen. It is so fast to browse on ATT 3g network. Now I have no need to bring my laptop with me. 🤣
Forget any rumors you might have heard.
Nokia has made it VERY clear that they are not interested in selling the phone to any carrier.
At one point on their website they even had a banner saying that they would not "sell out" and that they wanted to keep the market "free" for unlocked data phones.
Besides... If AT&T were interested in picking it up they would have done so already... besides... why would they want to kill their iPhone? T-Mobile wont because it runs off AT&T 3G and not their own.
buying n95-3 8gb US
A lot of sites have misleading or incorrect info, any way to easily identify whether I am ordering n95-3 8gb US for 3G use?
Whats a good reliable site beside Plemix?
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Will this phone be availabe in US carriers?
Will this phone be available in US carriers such as T-mobile(I have T-mobile),AT&T, Us cellular,Sprint,Verizon,etc? If so, When? Anyone know?
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internet with wifi and no media plan
Does anyone know if I don't purchase the media plan from ATT, would i be able to access the Internet using just wifi hotspots?
Without the data plan, would the AGPS work for the map.
I am on the old cingular plan w/o data and I do not want a new contract.
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T Mobile 3G
So the specs say the euro version of this phone will support 3G on the 2100 Mghz band.
T Mobile USA has said their 3G network in the US is going to run on the 1700/2100 Mghz band. (I think it's like 1700 band for download & 2100 band for upload) correct me if I'm wrong.
But back to my question, if bought the euro version of this phone will it work with T Mobile's 3G network when rolled out in the US?
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you are very knowledgable of this phone! do you own one...? if so how much did you pay for it and where?
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Browsing on the N95
I have seen nothing but positive reviews on the N95, but have yet to see anybody comment on the ease (or lack thereof) in browsing with just a standard keypad.
I would assume there is a very good "auto-complete" function when typing words, but still- I would like to get some feedback from actual users.
So anyone actually own this phone, or get to play with one long enough to comment on what it was like to surf the web? After a BlackJack and Treo 750, I tend to be fond of full QWERTY keys, but I really do like Nokia products.
Thanks in advance
N95 8gb NAM
ok i guess this is true and not a will be releasing the n95 8gb us version with the us 3G..
personally i would stil stick with the n95-3 with a 8gb card...much faster data transfer
problem with some games
Hello everybody
I love this phone but i have a small problem with it. some games (mostly by gameloft) run very slow on it. i've installed them on the 8gb mass memory (not phone memory) and i dunno whats wrong. i was wondering if anyone else had the same problem and how i can make them run faster. i only have the fsecure antivirus running in the background while i play the games.
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N95 8 GB sync
Does this use Active sync. If I have outlook and contact names, will I be able to sync this with this phone thru the nokia software or what?
any advise is much appreciated
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so exactly how much does this phone cost?
So exactly how much does this nokia n95 8gb cost? it seams like it should cost about 750$, but how much does it cost exactly? if you own this phone please write an answer for me! thanks! 😁
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recording on the n95?
can you record on the n95? like if I'm in class in a lecture hall and I want to record my professors lecture and listin to it later?
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