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Nokia N75


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Questions... insurance/ purchasing it from.....


May 13, 2007, 10:50 PM
Can phone insurance be added to the N75 or is it an excluded handset?

Also, I've noticed Cingular has this phone on their website for $250 + $50 rebate, but Wirefly.com has it posted for $149.99 + $50 rebate and Amazon.com has it for an amazingly low price of $39.99 w/o rebates (which it will be shipped from wirefly). Has anyone used either one of these companies to purchase this phone?

And lastly, if you purchased a phone @ a Cingular store location and are planning on exachanging it (within 30 days of signing up), can your exchange be through a site like letstalk.com/amazon or a retail store like best buy?

Please advise.... Thanks! 👀

May 13, 2007, 11:03 PM
If you know your a very responsible person like pay you bills on time and are sure of what plan you want go with 39.99 amazon. Wirefly is known to sell phones cheaper. BUT for some reason bad on rebates. So since the phone is 39.99 no rebate its well worth it.Know for the catch if for some reason you dont pay phone on time or change your plan to a cheaper plan before 181 days or 6mth they will charge 250 big ones to your credit card automaticly..... so make sure your not going to be double minded.I purchased from them before excellent service wont regret it. I had a hizzing sound on my phone but after making some setting changes the phone is the best... Battery last way longer know very happy and by the way im new 2 symbian..

May 13, 2007, 11:38 PM
zodiac77 said:
Battery last way longer know very happy and by the way im new 2 symbian..

Are you mentioning that by changing some settings, you made the battery last longer?

If this is true, what settings did you change? I'm getting this phone soon and any "heads up" about your experiences would be very helpful!

May 14, 2007, 12:17 AM
MENU, SETTINGS, CONFIG. , CONNECTION , Then go down to Packet DATA. Then change packet data conn. from WHEN AVALIABLE, to WHEN NEEDED. There ya go. Very Happy

This is what I did and it proved true. Also just make sure you always close all applications by holding menu key for two sec it well then show you whats open. Also if you hear the hissing sound just lower the display light sensor one notch problem solve 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 one note before you use your phone fully charge battery first and off you go enjoy

May 14, 2007, 7:25 AM
Excellent! I will do all those things. Funny about the hissing problem and the fix! A lot of people have sent their phones back over that one. Cool fix because not only do you take care of the hiss, but you also use less power for the display which saves more battery!

May 14, 2007, 7:35 PM
How do you lower the light sensor for the main diplay?

May 14, 2007, 9:42 AM
What about insurance? did anybody able to get it from Cingular?

May 14, 2007, 6:57 PM
Cingular told me N75 was not elgible for their insurance. I think there are other phone insurance companies out there, I will do some research.

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