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Motorola KRZR K1m


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Oct 28, 2006, 8:05 AM


can anyone please tell me what this whole "tmp" thing people are talking about is???

Oct 18, 2006, 10:15 PM

side buttons rattle

I had to take back my first KRZR because of a ringer problem and now the replacements buttons rattle when you shake the phone. also the top part of the flip phone seems to wiggle more than the other.

It seems like this one isnt made as well. Should I return it or is everyones phone like this?
13 replies

Oct 17, 2006, 10:47 PM

Body Glove

If any one knows where I can get a Body Glove case for this phone, please let me know. I appreciate it. Thanks
6 replies

Sep 28, 2006, 1:38 PM

Belt clip?

The phone doesn't come with a belt clip. Does anyone know where to get one?
12 replies

Oct 27, 2006, 9:48 AM

Found a great cheap case for KRZR

I got this case for my KRZR and it is a perfect fit. It's $7 with shipping.

I had been having trouble finding a case with a belt clip.


Oct 26, 2006, 10:15 PM


1 reply

Oct 26, 2006, 1:35 PM

Does this phone have vibrate\Ring

does this phone have the vibrate\ring at the same time? Thats my biggest issue is having both at the same time.
1 reply

Oct 26, 2006, 10:06 AM

not for me

I toyed with this phone yesterday. While the size is a little too small, the silvered fonts on a silvered background is a pita to read.
Perhaps there will be a new EVDO Palm OS no antenna phone next year or an EVDO RAZR. Wish I'd got the e815 when the deals were in. Darn the Luck ! ! !
2 replies

Oct 26, 2006, 1:45 PM

contact location

contacts that are located in correctly such as fax instead of mobile how do you change the location icon thanks

Oct 15, 2006, 10:54 AM

anyone else having this problem?

occasionally when someone calls my phone wont stop ringing even after voicemail has already picked up. so it just rings nonstop until i hit a button on the phone.

this has happend multiple times. if i am away from phone it woulg go until the battery dies i assume.
2 replies

Oct 20, 2006, 11:40 PM

alltel krzr UI ????

anyone have the krzr for alltel? hows the UI (user interface)? is it the new linux based UI or the same UI that was in the razr? Im a verizon customer and thinking about buying an alltel version and activate it on verizon. death to verizon's UI!!!
5 replies

Oct 24, 2006, 11:31 AM


I have the RAZR V3m (didn't want the KRAZR because its basically made of glass) anywyas, when i turn it off and charge it, then unplug it when it getsa full charge the light stays on even though i have not turned the phone on (its off and says charge complete but is still lit up) is this a flaw in my phone that I should get looked at by tech support? Thanks!
3 replies

Oct 25, 2006, 12:34 AM

Text Msgs on External Displays

I was wondering if there is anyway to get the persons name or phone number to appear on the external display instead of the "1 new text message'' etc type of things.....

Oct 24, 2006, 7:20 PM

Bluetooth Headphones (HT820) for KRZR

I contacted motorola and they were not sure if the HT820 headphones would work calls and music with the KRZR k1m for verizon.

Does anyone know if this model or any other models work music and calls with the KRZR k1m?
1 reply

Oct 23, 2006, 4:02 PM

KRAZR or RAZR V3m for Verizon????

I am deciding between these two phones. Which has the better battery life? They both have basically the same features but I have to be honest....I like the way the RAZR V3m looks better. Mainly becauser its not made of glass and the screen is bigger. But if the battery is horrible i will stick to the KRAZR...thanks for your imput!
1 reply

Oct 22, 2006, 2:46 PM


Hey guys, quick question.

Can you set custom music for the alarm? How?
3 replies

Oct 22, 2006, 9:07 AM


Well here I am again...hahaha. Question: Why allow idiots to speak. I know everyone has the freedom to speak but dang. The KRZR K1m is a very good phone other then it attracts finger prints. But anyway back to what I was about to say. I heard or rather read where people talked about this phone and read where people are complaining about it being verizon and or verizon UI. My question is.....if you do not like verizon or their UI, why the heck belong to the company and or buy any of their phones? I personally think it's a good company and there is no way I would buy from a company I do not like or buy a product that I do not like. I would have to say someone has to be pretty dense to do so, and so to take their advise would put whom ever in t...
4 replies

Oct 23, 2006, 12:47 PM

Bluetooth battery drain

I've only had the phone for 2 days. I set up the bluetooth yesterday and noticed the battery was low pretty quick. My car auto-connects to the KRZR when I get in. Does anyone have an approximation of how much battery its draining while being connected to the car?

Oct 23, 2006, 12:09 PM

Front Screen: Sometimes lit w/blue light?

I just got my KRZR on Saturday - and I love it thus far. Really.

However, today is the first day that I'm located in a building that is hard pressed to get a signal. And what I've noticed, if I leave my phone on, is that while the wallpaper doesn't consistently show [which is exactly as I programmed it] - but instead of the front screen going dark/dormant as I've noticed it do in the last couple of days - it stays dimly lit with a blue light.

I love the fact that normally the front screen is dark/dormant - and this is a concern for me. Is it something to do with the programming for the system? [Automatic A, Automatic B, Home Only, etc?] Is this going to happen when not getting as strong of a signal?

I'm thinking this is going to dra...

Oct 22, 2006, 8:17 PM

Audio Books to card

Does anybody know if you can listen to audio books on the phone? I have a card, and I can download the books to Windows Media 10, but they don't seem to be moving to the phone/card.

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