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v635 Voicemail Non Notification


Sep 10, 2005, 1:19 AM

I got an unbranded/unlocked v635 and I'm on Cingular. Everything so far is fine...no problems setting up MMS, internet, etc. I have one question and I really...i mean REALLY don't want to hear I have to do some kind of seem edit or whatnot.
Is there anyway to set up my phone so that I can get voicemail notifications? Everything works, but if I miss a call with my phone off I don't get anything at all from Cingular letting me know I have voicemail. I basically have to just check my voicemail any time I miss a call or have my phone off.
I've searched a couple of forums but besides doing it myself with a seem edit is there a less intrusive way to enable voicemail notification? Or would a helpful Cingular rep at o...

Sep 10, 2005, 7:48 AM
This is the problem with unsupported devices. Not everything works. However Vm is a network thing. So if you opt out of txt messaging that would cause your problem. But if they do all the troubleshooting like if your account is set up. Unfortunately since you are using an unsupported device there is not a lot that can be done. You can check the settings on the phone and set the notification on. Not sure how it is on the v635. On most moto's you go to messages hit menu for message center and go to vm set up and turn it on there.

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