Tricked Out
unlock bootloader
I have a Galaxy S5/AT&T G990A that I want to unlock the bootloader. I've been through countless web articles and forums and am still baffled. Some say you can unlock it, others say you can't. I've read so much contradictory and conflicting information I can't begin to discern what is right and what is BS. I need someone knowledgeable on this particular phone. So, here it is: Need to unlock bootloader so I can "root". Is it possible on this model and, if so, how?
Sprint edge plus
Cool Phone Cases
Mine is a really awesome painted picture of Princess Mononoke. It was a reddit gift exchange gift! I love it.
Jailbreak of Samsung Fascinate on Verizon
So I ask if doing a jailbreak will help stablize them and stop future updates?
Over and above that, they are out of warr and we cant upgrade til Jan. Verizon is offering no solutions so we are getting frustrated.
I dont need Samsung opinions. Youre welcome to leave them but its no help to me.
What other pros and cons would be expected from a jailbreak?
They are currently running Android 2.3.5.
Reasons to root
Samsung Galaxy Prevail Wallpapers
Any help/insight will be appreciated.
p.s. I have not rooted or unlocked it yet.
NO Otterbox for Galaxy S II
I have a question for anybody that can help...
Change Homepage number?
I just purchased the Sprint Epic4G. Does anyone know if there is a way to change what page number is your homepage? My "home" is currently page 4 -- would like it to be page 1.
Also, where are some safe smiley's to download?
Thanks! 🤣