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Downloadable tones to PC


Aug 24, 2005, 10:08 AM
Are there are sources for ring tones that you can download to your pc instead of your phone? My company is not listed as an option as a carrier on every website that I have browsed.

Am I going about this the right way - i.e. download to my pc and then send via Bluetooth to my phone?

Aug 24, 2005, 5:58 PM
Ok dude check this out. You have a couple of options here. You can download to your PC and transfer to your phone via Bluetooth (as you suggested), or you can download them and transfer them via data cable (you can get this at any Phone Service Provider store or online). The other option (and cheapest) is to download the ringtone you want, then upload it to a WAP site(which is just mobile internet sites), and then download it from your phone (for this your phone must be WAP-Enabled and carrier/air time charges may apply but shouldn't be too expensive). Some good WAP Upload sites are www.davidpye.com/freewap (scroll down and click WAP Upload Site Link), or www.swiftwap.com. Then you upload your tone from your comp to the site, then go to the ...

Aug 30, 2005, 12:13 PM
Thanks Dan - believe it or not, my carrier is offering downloadable tones and games, but they are not offering WAP enabled browsing of any sort at this time, which is where my problem lies. I think I will mess around with recording my own tones and sending them via BT since I already have the equipment and apparently just need to downlaod the recorder - thanks again for your help - I'll let you know how it goes.

Aug 25, 2005, 1:27 PM
This site offers ringtone search, just like you search on Google. Find your tones, preview them, send them to your phone. They also provide a disc icon for you to download the ringtones to your PC. Here is the link:

http://www.funformobile.com/pages/gallery/search.php »

Aug 30, 2005, 12:19 PM
I'll check it out - thanks

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