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LG-VX8100 Ring Tones

Chino Nino

Jul 26, 2005, 10:45 PM
I just recently purchased the LG-VX8100 and this phone is blocked from the Wal-Mart trick converting the MP3 to MIDI file. The 8100 does not allow you to save as a Ringtone but gives you the option to save as a Sound. By saving this as a sound, you are not able to set the file as your Ringtone. Does anyone know how to set as your Ringtone? I know this phone supports it but cannot figure it out. Please help!!

Jul 27, 2005, 9:55 AM
You will have to do some searching for the actual post, but check out the 8100 forum. Some very good info has been posted there about hacking the phone to set your own ringtones, play mp3's, videos, etc.
Chino Nino

Jul 28, 2005, 9:32 PM
I spent hours doing the search and nobody seems to know! Someone please help!!

Jul 28, 2005, 11:45 PM
Dude, you couldn't have searched too long, because when you posted your original request the thread about two after yours was all about playing sound files, converting to whatever the required file type was, etc. I have not done these things myself, no SD card or cable yet, but have read probably a hundred posts about doing this.
Chino Nino

Jul 30, 2005, 1:51 PM
I have the SD card and it does not work buddy

Jul 31, 2005, 9:23 AM
Hey, I've been a lurker for a long time, figured it's time for me to post. The 8100 is pretty new, and there are a few HowTos, but nothing covering everything, so I'll see what I can cover.

First off, you'll need to get your phone connected to your computer... I use Bluetooth, but you can also use a data cable. Here are instructions for Bluetooth
1. Click Menu->Settings and Tools->9. PC Connection
2. Select 3. Bluetooth to use Bluetooth
3. If it asks you if you want to turn bluetooth on, select Yes.
4. Go to Menu -> Settings and Tools -> 0. Bluetooth
5. Select 3. My Visibility
6. Select "Show to All"
7. On your PC, go to "My Bluetooth Places" (you can type that in windows explorer and you will go there)
8. Click "View Devices in R...

Aug 1, 2005, 6:44 PM
Thats for info. If you can think of anymore please share the wealth
Chino Nino

Aug 1, 2005, 8:08 PM
Thank you very much. I will go out and get the data cable!

Aug 3, 2005, 2:23 PM
how do i download bitpim? where do i get it from

Jason M.

Aug 3, 2005, 3:25 PM
hey kof i am having a hard time sending things to my phone. I am able to connect but when i select send to phone it says error. my email is romeojm001@msn.com. Can you please contact me and tell me what i am doing wrong

Jason M.

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