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Jan 29, 2008, 1:14 PM
I just had a customer come in saying that when he purchased the phone it was suppose to have insurance on it. Now the phone has been stolen and when he called cs they informed him that he has never had ins on it. He came in with part of his paperwork from the original purchase and said that he wanted his phone replaced. I told him that I would get his "checklist" paper emailed to me and show him where he had to sign stating if he wanted insurance or not. He then walked out and came back with his copy of the checklist. Which does not have his signature on it but clearly states that he declined insurance. Yet he is still arguing with me saying I should replace his phone.

Jan 29, 2008, 4:26 PM
we get people like that over the phone all the time but the good part about sprint in this matter is that the cusotmer has to report the error of not having insurance 60 days from the first bill to dispute it, after the 60 days they are sol even if they requested it at the store or through telesales.

Jan 29, 2008, 6:19 PM
My favorite is this lesbian lady comes in and goes up one side of me and down the other about how she hates At&t and won't sign a contract and blah blah blah. But like any normal person, doesn't want to pay full price, so signs a contract, gets the phone. I had her initial that she had declined insurance on it, and informed her (and wrote down the retail price) about the full cost of the phone should it be lost. TWO WEEKS LATER she comes in with a phone that she dropped in the toilet, demanding that I do something for her. I tell her she has two choices, buy another phone at full retail or buy a refurbished phone. She tells me I am a liar, and phones don't cost that much and I can give her another one I just don't want to and blah blah ...

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