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Trying on Bluetooths
It's a shame I even have to write this but apparently we have reps that think it's perfectly OK to let a customer try on a Bluetooth and then put it BACK into the box.
Under NO circumstance should a customer EVER be allowed to try on a Bluetooth, ESPECIALLY ones like the Jabra that fit into the ear.
I pulled out a Jabra to show a customer and when I flipped it over to show them the peice that fits into the ear, there was ear "gunk" all over it. That's just plain disgusting and unacceptable.
Eww I agree very unacceptable!
(in my lumberg voice) mmmmyeahhhhhhhhh ummm I'm gonna need you to write that up in a memo and get that around to everyoneok .. and we're gonna need you here saturdaythanks. 🤨
That was done.
But it really doesn't matter WHAT I do AFTER the customer the customer has already seen that there is gunk all over it. The customer then ASSUMES that we're a unclean place.
so you clean it after a customer uses it...
Would you like to buy a BT headset that has been in 20 other peoples ear?
i agree, you try you buy.. sorry, you can't go into the grocery store and open up some paenut butter, try it, then leave it on the shelf to be sold.. com'n get real.
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