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Who here works in a call center and hates their QA team??? (RANT)


Aug 29, 2007, 1:09 PM
damn QA agents! they are soooo biased, close minded and they themselves contradict each other, so inconsistent and are not even calibrated themselves, how do you expect us agents to have QA grades if our QA agent are incmpetent themselves! 👿 i freakin hate them, they even hit my choice of words such as the way i apologize to customers...you think you're GOD??? you think you are all mighty and perfect, if so, go F*ck your grandma...im such in a bad mood...sorry, im not going to be promoted anymor because my QA messed my stats!!!!

Aug 29, 2007, 1:53 PM
My QA is fine.. My first one was really strict though..

Aug 29, 2007, 2:08 PM
good for you, some QA's here are so unprofessional that they take disputes personally and would find for calls that are dreadful, we do admit that all calls are not perfect, we're just human, ayt?? but they would look for that one call that would break you...how mature and professional! 😡

Aug 29, 2007, 2:16 PM
I used to work in a tmobile call center, but i switched to a retail store. It's like being in heaven!!! NO QA, more money, but we do have secret shoppers. They are a breeze compared to the fools at QA though, at least you know exactly what they are looking for. So my suggestion is get the heck out of that call center prison and join the retail world.

Aug 29, 2007, 2:27 PM
yes, im actually taking that into consideration...that or being a medical representative! 😁 tnx for the advice

Aug 29, 2007, 2:17 PM
I am glad I have good supervisors or else I would have been fired by now. 👀

They had me listen to a call where I had got an attitude with a customer and even listening to the call made me mad and annoyed again. I told them I felt really bad and wished that I could call the cust back and apologize when really I wanted to .. never mind

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