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What Cingular Tells Customers Canceling Over Text Message Rates


Dec 22, 2006, 5:16 PM
This is what Cingular will probably tell you if you call up trying to get out of your cellphone contract and service without paying an early termination fee based on their recent text message rate raise.

Q. Since Cingular is raising its rates, are customers entitled to cancel service without paying an early termination fee?

A. No, that doesn't apply here. This is simply a pricing change for pay-per-use text and instant messaging, which is an optional service. It's similar to buying a ringtone - that's optional as well. It's not part of your monthly rate plan.

Customers who pay for text and instant messages on a per-use basis are generally those who use text messaging occasionally. Frequent users generally purchase ...

Dec 22, 2006, 5:49 PM
NO no no no no............
it's a service that is availible as a convience... you don't subscribe to it. just like call forwarding and call waiting. those are features that you don't pay for. they come with the plan at no charge to you. the text thing is just stupid. because of prices going up should not be a reason to cancel service. it's stupid and a warrantless dispute. if .05 cents breaks ya, then just don't text or subscribe to a plan...

ben popken is just as stupid as captainplooky

Dec 22, 2006, 7:01 PM
Perhaps. Perhaps not.

Cingular has adopted the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA) Consumer Code for Wireless Service, yet this change they are making directly contradicts the Consumer Code.

Provide customers the right to terminate service for changes to contract terms.
Carriers will not modify the material terms of their subscribers' contracts in a manner that is materially adverse to subscribers without providing a reasonable advance notice of a proposed modification and allowing subscribers a time period of not less than 14 days to cancel their contracts with no early termination fee.

I believe a 50% increase in the cost can be considered a material modification of the contract...

Dec 22, 2006, 7:42 PM
As a loop hole in the TOS, cingular wrote " there is a charge for text/sms" Since they didn't price lock themselves into a price in the contract, technically then they didn't violate it. It sucks that it's going up, but i don't understand why people are so "outraged", I think people just want a way out of their contract so they can get a new phone. (even if it means switching carriers) It seems nowadays, people flip flop carriers because they are "so horrible", but more than likely when they switch, they will complain to the new carrier "well the last company I was with was better, or they didn't do that at me last company" It's a vicious cycle.

Dec 25, 2006, 4:11 AM
Get a court to agree with you and you are set. Maybe you can get the attorneys to give you a piece of the class action fees.

Until the your legal expertise is worth about as much as.... as.... as....

A PPU text message.

Dec 25, 2006, 6:02 AM
LOL way to burn Captain Douchy.

You're awesome Tex.

Dec 22, 2006, 5:54 PM
it is an option to text message. ur phone has capabilities to do more than text yet they may have increased pricing on other items/programs which does not merit legal action. its your opinion against cingulars legal team's legal opinion. i doubt any court would rule in favor of the consumer in this case since its PURELY optional to text pay per use. if u have a problem get a package. people who argue over a .05 cent raise is pathetic. the people to whom this affects either texts a few times a week/month or people who dont txt at all. if you want you can take txt pay per use off ur account compeltely. there are ways around it, which is not to text.

Dec 22, 2006, 6:08 PM
Plooky's just quoting an article.

I wanna see people sue, because it would be an interesting event. I think the people wanting to cancel for PPU features are just trying to get something for nothing. I don't blame them for trying to make money, but I do think they're jerks.

Dec 23, 2006, 4:09 AM
why do you think cingular just added the note in your bill about them doing everything via arbitration so that no one goes to court? they dont want to have to go to court on this because they would lose in court. But if they can keep it individualized, the each customer has less of a chance to get out. And this has nothing to do with people being jerks. People dont just take it, they dont just say ok to certain things and cingular's contract even says you may leave if you dont agree with the changes. There's no money making issue here on the customers side, just cingular's side. They just want even more money. It's not like sms cost more now, they just want and extra 50% pure profit. They are just trying to raise revenue and profit. ...

Dec 23, 2006, 6:18 PM
Manditory arbitration is a condition customers sign for in the contract of every carrier. Contracts are inviolable according to the Supreme Court. Both parties must carry out all of the terms and conditions written on them.
Even a paralegal (almost a lawyer) would point that out. People are released from their contract in these situations because the company really doesn't feel it is worth their time to contest it not because they have violated the terms and conditions of the contract.

Text messaging is NOT part of the contract, otherwise Cingular could charge a disconnect fee if a customer removed it from their account because the customer did not fulfill their part of the contract.

Text and data packages are optional programs that...

Dec 23, 2006, 6:23 PM
When people have "See ID" or "CID" on their credit cards I won't take them. I point out that it says on the back of the card that it is not valid unless signed. It's fun.

Dec 23, 2006, 6:54 PM
That does sound kinda fun. Do you take them if they sign them right then?

Dec 23, 2006, 7:02 PM
No because it wasn't signed previously. That's like bringing a blank traveler's check in and signing both parts in front of the salesperson. If they want to be all stupid about it (like it matters to begin with anyway), they can go ahead and choose another form of payment. I probably wouldn't do that here anymore because I get commission, but at GameStop I didn't mind losing a sale so much ^_^

Dec 23, 2006, 7:05 PM
You can take it if they show you a form of ID that you can match their signature. If they can't show you then you should not take it as you just became liable if it is stolen. But if they can show you another ID with a signature its still up to you weather to take it or not. Also it is against Visa and Master card's TOS for merchants to not accept a sale if the customer does not show another form of ID. You can ask but if they say no you can't refuse the sale.

Dec 23, 2006, 9:36 PM
Actually, it's up to the merchant if they want to take the card. If someone refuses to show ID, the merchant has every right and reason to decline the sale.

Dec 24, 2006, 10:51 AM
Your right in part. It is violation of Visa's TOS. So if you refuse and someone reports the merchant then visa can and revoke your ability to accept visa. Mastercard's TOS say the same thing.

Dec 26, 2006, 3:31 AM
Well I personally put CID because I want people to actually see my ID so that they know its me. That is more secure to me than just seeing a signature and going ok.

Dec 23, 2006, 7:16 PM
You realize that many cards are authorized by use or signature?

In other words, the customer agrees to the terms of service of the bank, but doesn't have to sign the card.

Most people only put those in the signature box to prevent fraudulent use, not facilitate it.

Dec 23, 2006, 7:17 PM
They do have to sign it! Its in the terms. See ID is not a substitution!

Dec 23, 2006, 7:22 PM
From the back of my Wachovia card:

"Customer by using the Card or authroizing its use agrees to the terms and conditions of the Check Card Agreement, as amended from time to time."

Do you see the "or"? Do you understand what it means?

Not only that, but cards that have "not valid unless signed", also have in there terms and conditions statements that say the same thing.

Sounds like a power trip.

Dec 24, 2006, 6:52 PM
Plooky are you one of these people who thinks that every business is just trying to rip people off? If so how sad for you. Businesses thrive by providing useful and often necessary products and services in exchange for payment. That having been said Most of us in the business world really try to look out for the well being of their customers. Some don't and that makes us all look bad.
If the consumer movement had its way we would only shop in warehouse stores and have backwards products because no one could afford innovation.
Many of your posts offend people here because they care deeply about their customer, their company and the industry. You insult their integrity just as many in the consumer movement do with their greed to get someth...

Dec 23, 2006, 7:13 PM

Just like these consumerist idiots who urge people to not sign the back of their credit cards, thereby violating the terms and conditions of the credit agreement.


You really believe that don't you?

Dec 30, 2006, 1:52 AM
SPCSVZWJeff said:
Contracts are inviolable according to the Supreme Court. Both parties must carry out all of the terms and conditions written on them.

I would like to see your legal citation for this claim. I am not aware of any Supreme Court decision that has declaired all contracts absolutely enforceable no matter what the terms it contains.

Dec 30, 2006, 4:10 PM
I guess every contract except pro sports players contracts or those signed by minors... or if you're not of sound mind or if you're in a union.. or married.. 😉

Dec 22, 2006, 11:26 PM
If its "purely optional" then perhaps they should disable them by default. Especially if they are going to charge for incoming msgs.
As for your "5 cent raise" argument... it's still 50%. How about Allstate or Safeauto or whoever your car insurance carrier may be, raised thier rates by 50% on you? Would you still call it pathetic? oh but you would just switch carriers wouldn't you..but what if they charged you 500$ for leaving before you're policy (read contract) was up? You might be a little annoyed..

They are trying to use this to avoid the ETF which I think is the real issue here. If they had confidence in thier services they would prorate the ETF. ATT used to do this and I hear VZW is starting this up..

Dec 22, 2006, 6:17 PM
oh. and by the way...... THE PRICE HASN'T CHANGED YET........................... So that means no one can cancel anyhow because even if it did violate tos, it hasn't happened yet.

Dec 23, 2006, 4:12 AM
you are wrong sir, you have 30 days from time of notice(your bill) to cancel. Once you pay your bill after the notice, that is you way of agreeing to changes. Reading the TOS is something you need to do.

Dec 22, 2006, 7:56 PM
3 things:

A. Captianplooky is hot
B. In my opinion Cingular can raise texting, download, and mobile internet usage rates all they want and it will not breach the contract.
C. captianplooky has a nice package and that's all I want for Christmas...

Dec 22, 2006, 10:37 PM
I say let them cancle. All of my customers sign a six month agreement. If they cancle in that period then they pay me a couple hundred bucks. Regardless of a text increase! 🙂

Dec 23, 2006, 12:06 AM
So you're saying that if I signed a 1yr contract with Dish Network and PPV costs $3.99 for a movie, then next month PPV items cost $5.99 I could cancel my contract with them?

Dec 23, 2006, 2:54 AM
It is indeed an optional service.

We'll go with the ringtone comparison.

Ringtones are optional to download, but the phones are set up to receive and use them, does that mean if ringtones went up a quarter that customers can cancel on those grounds?

Or what about 411 calls. It's an optional service (and the price recently changed) that you pay as you use it. Does that give customers the 'loop hole' to cancel as well?

Text messaging, ringtones and 411 calls are all optional services. If you don't want to use them, don't use them. Text messaging, unlike ringtones or 411 calls, are able to be blocked completely. So if someone if truly upset by this price change, Cingular can block text completely from their account so the pr...

Dec 23, 2006, 4:17 AM
Are you dumb? When you sign a contract, part of the contract says ppu sms .10. There is nothing on there that says ringtones cost xxx. Sorry, but using ringtones is a bad example. Let's throw it out this way, Cingular raises ppu sms from .10 to 40 dollars per message. And also, there are now new text plans, for those that want to sign up. 200 msg for 100 dollars. Are you telling me that if that happened, you would just sit there and agree. HELL NO...it may only be .5 but that is 50% and its all profit which is what my issue was. They just want to suck the customer drier.

Dec 23, 2006, 4:54 AM
No. The contract says nothing of what a message cost. It says "Text Message PPU". The only place it says a price is on the brochure, however, according to the legal stuff on the brochure, which it says PPU features are not considered subscriptions and prices may change (with 30 days notice), which is why notices have been sent on bills for the last two months. 😲

You also have the right to completely block text messages, picture messages and media net, which makes this whole arguement a moot point. 😎

No where in the contract does it say Cingular MUST provide text messaging. If they wanted, they could say you need to have a plan to use it at all...

Reading over your posts, you seem like you want to debate "argue" everyt...

Dec 23, 2006, 9:10 AM
colione112 has it all right !!!

You guys arguing over .05 cents are clowns!

Let it Go!

Cingular gave you a phone at a discount in exchange for a contract. If text messaging was soooo important to any of you you would already have a package. It's still only five bucks for 200 messages.

If want to go to another carrier, suck it up and pay terminiation fee.

Dec 23, 2006, 1:48 PM

You guys arguing over .05 cents are clowns!

It must be nice to be in a position to not have to worry about your expenditures. Unfortunately, that is not the case for everyone. A 50% increase in price is hardly insignificant.

Cingular gave you a phone at a discount in exchange for a contract.

Well, as long as you want to go that route, why not discuss the massive tax subsidies that Cingular and the telecommunication corporations have received from taxpayers.

Not to mention the fact that these same telecommunication corps have essentially whelched on many of their agreements, and even have the audacity to try to charge the public twice, if not more, for the sames thing....

Dec 23, 2006, 2:00 PM
Sure 50% sounds alot when you put it that way. but when its a .05 cent raise it will cost the consumer if they text 5 times a month an extra $3 for the entire year! Or if the consumer texts 15 times a month they will spend an extra $9 for the year. Hardly a harsh increase that some say is sad. Heck if it helps subsidize more cell sites for everyone then it should be worth it.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:07 PM

Heck if it helps subsidize more cell sites for everyone then it should be worth it.


Yeah, are tax dollars hardly do enough as it is....

Dec 30, 2006, 2:11 AM
Yes, but compounded over 60 million customers that $3 becomes $180 million in additional revenue for Cingular. The point isn't the small amount an individual customer pays extra, its the large increase in profit Cingular is trying to realize without incurring the business detriment of having customers let out of their contracts b/c the material terms of their agreement have been changed (for you Cingular fans, think about what Cingular's response would be if customers as a group decided that they would pay $.01 per text message. Cingular would definitely determine that as a material change in the service contract and would assess its liquidated damages as breach of said contract)

Dec 31, 2006, 3:54 PM
Excellent point.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:44 PM
Youre right I am with sprint but I still want to see that others arent effed over. It's a point of principle and if you want to back down and be cingy's bit## then do that. You have rights as a customer and if you dont excercise them, then things will just continue to get worse. If there was a good reason for cingular to raise it .5 then fine but they are simply doing it to make money and thats it. I guess you're ok with handing over more and more money. Yes .5 is not a lot of money but .5x20 text is 1 dollar x how many millions of people that dont have text plans and that adds up to millions of more dollars that cingular gets from you. Talk about price gouging. Besides, I went to sprint and I am now saving 40-45 dollars a month for t...

Dec 23, 2006, 2:50 PM
elmuchachos said:
If there was a good reason for cingular to raise it .5 then fine but they are simply doing it to make money and thats it.

Of course it is to make $$$. What other reason could have been? Did you think it was done because $.15 just happens to sound cuter? I mean wtf? By doing this we are encouraging customers to get on text messaging plans.
They save $$$.
We make $$$.
It is a win-win situation.

Dec 24, 2006, 12:30 AM
I guess you missed the words that said its a matter of principle.

Dec 23, 2006, 1:53 PM
Wouldn't phone calls in general be an optional service by your same criteria?

Dec 23, 2006, 2:05 PM
No, that's why you get MINUTES!!!

Dec 23, 2006, 2:10 PM
How does minutes make it any less optional?

Dec 23, 2006, 2:29 PM
That is the only service you sign a contract for. Remember, it doesn't matter what calling plan you have for your contract, just that you have one....

Dec 23, 2006, 2:46 PM
If you go to the Cingular website, personal, and select plans.

Then select any plan, click on services, and scroll down to the "messaging features".

When you select "none", Cingular still, by default, allows you to send messages on a ppu basis.

This is no different then an included plan feature.

This is no different then a selling and buying point of the plan for salesmen and consumers.

Dec 23, 2006, 3:08 PM
exactly. It adds it as PPU. There is no rate attached with it.

If you don't want it, you have the right to have it blocked completely, but you must either call customer service, or visit a store to do so.

Dec 23, 2006, 3:16 PM
That's odd. I thought the rate was 10 cents a message received or sent.

How is that not a feature?

More importantly, why does Cingular have in their TOS

If you cancel the Text /Instant Messaging service, you will not be able to send and receive messages, but Cingular does not guarantee all incoming messages will be blocked.

How is that optional and blocked completely?

Dec 23, 2006, 6:16 PM
The ones that aren't blocked in those cases are notices from Cingular, which are free anyhow. For example, if you dial *MIN#, you will receive a free text message from Cingular telling you how many minutes you've used and how many you have left.

Dec 23, 2006, 7:17 PM
So a free text message is not a text message?

Dec 23, 2006, 9:44 PM
It just doesn't matter. Who freaking cares if you get a text message that's free? They send you a text sometimes to that they've received a payment, or in the case that I mentioned if you ask for the information in the text.

The point is you were talking about how it's a violation of the contract to raise the PPU message prices because they aren't actually optional. When it was pointed out that you can block them, you brought up that Cingular doesn't guarantee that all texts will be blocked. I simply pointed out that the texts that aren't blocked are free, and therefore not relevant to the discussion at hand.

Dec 24, 2006, 12:37 AM
Texts from Cingular are 'administrative texts'. The feature we put on accounts says "admin txt msg only".

Dec 23, 2006, 2:46 PM
and when you sign, your brochure says if you text it is .10 a message. When they change the price from the brochure you signed up for, that is a material change and based on that people are allowed to leave without etf.

Dec 23, 2006, 6:13 PM
Except that it doesn't say what the PPU texting will cost anywhere in the contract terms, and the brochure clearly states that these prices may change and are not guaranteed.

Dec 23, 2006, 6:18 PM
Like I said before what are you leaving for? Sprint, Cingula, Verizon next year are all going to be the same for text. So what is the point!!! Please explain that. Oh I am going to go to sprint or verizon oh wait they charge the same for text. So what do you get out of getting out of your contract except something for nothing!

Dec 23, 2006, 7:18 PM
Some people may find this to be a good time to change carriers for whatever reason they have.

What does the reason matter?

Why do carriers constantly try to lock in customers either with etf's, locked phones, and etc?

Dec 23, 2006, 7:21 PM
Why? Because they can. If you don't like it don't sign up for it! They do it to offer phones for below cost as the 2yrs your with them will make up for it! They are a company and can do whatever they want within the law. As I said if you don't want to be tied to a contract go prepaid. You have a choice!

Dec 23, 2006, 7:24 PM
There is your answer for why some customers may choose to leave.

Dec 23, 2006, 7:30 PM
Then pay the fee! Simple. Stop trying to get over on someone!

Dec 23, 2006, 7:39 PM

Honestly, I think it would be more fair if ETFs were prorated. Other than that, I see no problem with them. Cingular offers anyone the opportunity to sign up on post paid service without a contract. They choose to have a contract for discounted services, free promotional features, and discounted equipment. Cingular even goes as far as to let their customers keep their free promotional features when out of contract with no change in subscription price.

I think it's pretty fair. It might be more fair if ETFs were prorated, but as it is it's not bad.

Dec 23, 2006, 9:52 PM
I don't even think the ETF should be prorated. It's a fair part of the contract. In order to get a phone discounted below cost (and oftentimes free), have a greater coverage area, a lower rate on minutes and features, you agree to pay for the service for two years.

If you want to get a phone on those terms (cheaper, better rates, better service), you agree to a two year contract. If you don't want to sign a two year contract and be locked into that long of a commitment, you can do a 1 year contract and pay more for the phone and still keep the cheaper rates and better coverage, or if you don't want any commitment you can do pre-paid at the expense of paying more and getting coverage that isn't as good.

One thing I will say, i...

Dec 23, 2006, 10:00 AM
For the love of Pete...
Haven't we covered this enough?

Captain 'Ben' Plooky is trying to restart his crap again and is notorious for 'bumping' his own messages..

Ok - they lied and cheated you... take 'em to court already.

Dec 23, 2006, 10:43 AM
Agreed, plus if you don't do this quick, it will be a moot point. .15/txt is about to be industry standard. So cancelling for this issue will be silly. Not to mention all the money and time you will be out to lawyer your way out of this.

Here's your solution, you have three choices, really. Jump Ship and deal with any potential cancellation fees, and legal fees; don't txt, or get a txt package. The cheapest is don't txt, the most reasonable is get a package and the most work and most money involved is cancel. You really have no other choices.

Dec 23, 2006, 10:39 PM
I sure do hate taking these calls when people wanna cancel over the sms increase yet they send about $10.00 worth of messages but when u offer the package for $4.99 for 200messages which would save them money they say i dont want a package...how dumb can u be 2 spend $10 on text and by simply adding a package for $4.99 will save u $5/month

Dec 23, 2006, 11:15 PM
What I absolutely love is the people that have Media Basic (400 messages) on their kid's line, come in with $100 in overages on texting and they demand that I take the plan off their account. I ask if they simply want to upgrade to the Message Extreme (3000 messages, $10 more than MB) instead, which would cover all of that. I also explain that if they do I can probably get 50% of the overages reversed.

No, they want the plan removed. I tell them ok, I remove it, and then I explain very clearly that they need to call CS to have the texting completely blocked and all this did was remove the plan that got them a lower rate on texting. Next month, they come back because their bill is now $140 and freak out at me because when they r...

Dec 23, 2006, 1:52 PM
Actually, I posted this because I find it quite telling about Cingular and its business practices to be directly contradicting its agreements (CITA) and contracts solely for increasing profit.

It concerns me a corporation is directly trying to influence (read scare, intimidate, mislead) its consumers from exercising what little rights the consumer has left.

What is even more alarming (and sad) to me, is that many of you just accept it.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:34 PM
Yes - The corporation is raising rates solely to increase profits. As a stock holder of the parent company, I am happy they are profit minded. I only wish all of my holdings were as conscious.

When did the corporate world become non-profit? Did i miss the memo? Why does the entire freakin country think they are owed something for fee or on the cheap? if you want to use a service then pay for it. if not, dont use it.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:51 PM
Of course its all for profit. But business is a 2 way street. If you want to raise rates then do it, and if we disagree then we can refuse it by leaving. Cingular has made a move and now its time for the consumer to make theirs. The issue is that cingular is letting us make our move and that is where there is a breach of contract.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:57 PM
elmuchachos said:
...if we disagree then we can refuse it by leaving.... ....The issue is that cingular is letting us make our move and that is where there is a breach of contract.

HUH? I thought you just said you had Sprint?

Dec 23, 2006, 3:01 PM
Actually, Sprint already sent notification of a rate increase to 15 cents for casual use in August.

The difference in the two is Cingular's stance on people wishing to terminate their contract.

Dec 23, 2006, 3:03 PM
verizon is doing the same thing next year. So what are you gaining from leaving they are all the same price now except tmobile! And I am sure the will follow soon!

Dec 23, 2006, 3:11 PM
Yeah, T-Mobile is usually last on everything. 😢 Why can't the two main carriers in the US be GSM? This upsets me so badly! But T-Mobile is like a slow sibling, you love him no matter what... Come on T-Mobile!!! CATCH UP!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣

Dec 24, 2006, 12:36 AM
I simply switched because I am saving 52 dollars a month by going from cingy and signing up for the SERO plan with sprint which was and might still be open to the public. 52 dollars a month is reason enough to leave cingular. Saving $620 dollars a year is a dang good reason to leave. And the ppu sms didnt affect me as I had a plan, I am simply here and on hofo to help others out. Not everybody just takes what the man sticks to em....some fight it.

Dec 23, 2006, 3:00 PM
ok - like I said.. they lied, so leave. I will waive your ETF..


You can keep b*tching about it, but I given you the out.


Others carriers are following the leader and raising to match.


You can aspire to satisfy all customers all the time but its not going to happen. You always have the few that will do nothing but complain about the price of gas or milk or text messaging or realtor commissions or health care or contracts or grassy knolls or moon landings.


Dec 23, 2006, 6:18 PM
I love how everyone acts like corporations are horrible and evil because they want to make money. That's kinda the point of running a business @_@

Dec 24, 2006, 12:42 AM
A business can make money without screwing over the general population. Customer service is something that no longer exist though and it's becoming a big problem. There's nothing more irritating(I use Dell as my example) then spending $1000 dollars on a product or any large amount of money, having it break and then when you call to get help, you either get
A: someone incompetent(dell, cingular to name a couple)
B: someone who can barely speak english(dell, as they have outsourced almost all CS reps).

I don't mind spending my money on products but I would like for the product to actually work and I would like to have someone who can actually a problem should it occur, and it usually does.

Companies want you to buy their product a...

Dec 23, 2006, 2:14 PM
It's obvious you'll find the littlest thing to spread your hatred for Cingular all over the room. My question to you is: What do you care? Do you even use Cingular? If not, do you think you have to represent "the unaware" cingular customers? $.15 is going to be the standard price for text messaging for all carriers. Just cuz some carriers still charge $.10 doesn't mean they don't go up in price in the future...

Dec 23, 2006, 2:39 PM
https://www.phonescoop.com/carriers/forum.php?fm=m&f ... »

Please do your duties in the Vz forum now. They need your help immediately! It seems like it's Vz who is raising their text messaging prices this time around. HURRY! go there and leave us alone for once and for all 😉

Dec 23, 2006, 2:40 PM
That's in March, and it has yet to be seen how Verizon is going to handle the rate increase compared to Cingular.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:45 PM
I am done playing for today.

Dec 23, 2006, 2:49 PM
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 😲 😲 😲 😲 😲 ooooo 'that's in March.'

Dec 23, 2006, 2:56 PM
Yes, considering the fact that Verizon has not sent a notification to its users on a price change and Verizon has not tried to keep people from canceling, there isn't much to talk about.

I thought that would be obvious.

Dec 23, 2006, 11:32 PM
What a long and pointless semantic exercise this has been. Wireless service is optional, period. At issue here is how pay per use text messaging is covered in the service agreement, as well as what constitutes a material change to the terms of service. Plooky seems intent on parsing the meaning of the word subscribe. Because pay per use text messaging is a feature of the calling plan, Plooky feels that the consumer subscribes to this service. Because there is no monthly recurring charge for the service, and because the customer may change the feature, not use it at all, or have the feature removed from the account without penalty or without financial impact whatsoever to the customer, Cingular is taking the position that the overall service ...

Dec 30, 2006, 3:02 PM
Ooooooooooooooooooo.... I like that one lol

😲 😲 😲 😲 😲 😲 😳 😳 😳 😳 😎 😎 😛 😛 😛 😉

Dec 25, 2006, 4:05 AM
Ever come up with your own original thoughts or ideas? Do you just search the web to find things to fit your view as if to say you cannot master your own logical response.

Why don't you sue Cingular and tell us how it comes out?

Until then you and your Monday morning quarterback team are just wasting time and bandwidth. YOU do not know what legal context Cingular has cited in their defense and YOU do not know if it will hold up to a potential legal challenge. YOU do not have a law degree yet YOU know they will lose (or at least the items you post seem to reference that fact and you take it as your own opinion)?

Dec 25, 2006, 4:14 AM
Captain Plooky is actually Phil Hendry.

He makes up these ridiculous arguments and then sits back and lets the callers (or in this case, the posters) entertain his show listeners (maybe he has some crazy comedy blog with a link to all the arguments he starts).

All you need is 1% of your audience to not know your game and you can be on for years and years with morons calling up your show arguing your stupid points.

Dec 26, 2006, 9:26 AM
texaswireless said:

He makes up these ridiculous arguments and then sits back and lets the callers (or in this case, the posters) entertain his show listeners (maybe he has some crazy comedy blog with a link to all the arguments he starts).

I doubt Plook's is that sophisticated. I think he just gets his kicks doing this. He has this complex where he thinks that we are less intelligent than him, and that we don't question enough. A very sad and deprived man.

Not alot of people that aren't in the wireless industry would spend more than 6 months on here, but he's been trolling for years.

Dec 26, 2006, 7:33 PM
I hereby demote plooky from Captain to Corporal and assign him eternal K.P.

Dec 28, 2006, 10:37 AM
I think he should be demoted to artard.

Dec 26, 2006, 1:39 PM
I just dont get some of you people on here. I mean, why are you so adament of getting out of a cell phone contract? If your going to moan and groan, dont get a cell phone. The original poster if this thread is wrong.

By default the phones come with the ABILITY to text message. At the POINT OF SALE, the customer should be knowledgable to say, "I do not want text messaging." At that point, the sales rep put ADMIN Text Only and WIX blocked on the account. If the customer uses text messaging, they are paying for it under their own choosing. Cingular is not forcing anyone to have text messaging. Do you see any other phone carries having this issue? NO! Lol. The disgruntled customers always try to find a way to wreck havoc somewher...

Dec 26, 2006, 8:05 PM
Don't lump people who play DDR in with idiots that want to get out of their contracts because of this @_@

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