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What can I do? -- They don't return security deposit.


Nov 9, 2005, 12:51 AM
When I activated my T-Mo service one year ago with A1wireless.com, I was requested $500 security deposit for two lines of a family plan. I still remembered during the first few days of activation, when I pressed #225#, I can see $500 received on the handset or something like that.

It has been more than one year so I requested deposit from T-Mo. But they claimed that I only had $250 deposit (and I got the $250 check few weeks ago). But I am really sure that I was requested $500. So I went to find my first month's bill, but couldn't find it. I asked them to mail me a copy: surprisingly, it shows $250 for one of the lines only.

So I tried to find the receipt from A1Wireless and fortunately I found it: it clear shows that the deposit was $...

Nov 9, 2005, 10:38 AM
First, I'm not sure how you ended up paying $500 total for two lines. That currently is not a credit category that TMobile has (at least not that I know of). I've been in the company for just under a year. Does someone more senior to me know if this was changed just before I got here?

Second, if no one replied within 72 hrs, I apologize. Though I don't work in Customer Care, please realize that they are extremely busy, and like anyone make mistakes. Definitly give them a call back and see if any notes were made on the account or if a rep can research it for you while on the line.

Third, I wonder if your extra deposit was actually from A1 wireless. I would look carefully at your invoice/receipt and see if the deposit breakdown ind...

Nov 9, 2005, 11:39 AM
y did u pay so much for t-mobile. man that sounds like vzw numbers to me. i know at one time the did have the $250.00 deposit thing but i wouldn't of payed that for a t-mobile.

Nov 9, 2005, 6:44 PM
Thanks. The new responce from T-Mo is that "the receipt was issued by A1Wireless" and "the credit card bill listed A1Wireless as the one charged me", so I have to ask for refund from them and it seems that they didn't want to help me.

Personally, I think it's ridiculous because A1 is their authorized dealer -- "authroized" in the sense that they represent T-Mo.

The receipt only listed a total of $662.92 with two handsets, each was $74.99 and NYC sales tax rate. The math is that the amount other than items purchased was $500 but it didn't list which part went to where.

Basically, I trust T-Mo that maybe there is something wrong between T-Mo and A1 -- maybe A1 mistakely charged me $500 though T-Mo only required $250. But I think T-Mo ...

Nov 10, 2005, 7:10 AM
You are right in the fact that A1 wireless is authorized to SELL T-Mobile service but like other indirect dealers, like the "Mobile Problem" OH I MEAN The Mobile Solution, they have their own rules for deposits, activation fees and early termination fees.
If A1 wireless is trying to screw you out of an extra $250 take them to the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs. You deserve your money back.
T-Mobile only requests deposits based on your credit score. You were probably only eligible for 1 line for no deposit and a 2nd line for $250.

Nov 10, 2005, 11:54 AM
Not necessarily. The deposit is there as a credit protection. I bet if he researched enough A1 would send a boat-load of T&C's relating to, 'if T-Mo needs a deposit, we need a deposit'. That way if the subscriber jumps ship halfway through his term when T-Mo charges back the commission to A1, they're not stuck...

...stupid indirect dealers... I shouldn't say that, though. Most of the time you have to worry about the DUAL-ETFs... If you port out, you have to pay the ETF of whichever carrier and the indirect dealer you purchsed from....

Nov 10, 2005, 5:27 PM
Thanks, guys. I really appreciate for all the replis. I will now ask A1 for the money back.

Nov 10, 2005, 11:29 AM
coowguy was correct. Remember, though Authorized dealers do have to follow T-Mobile policy, some set up additional restrictions to protect their own rear end. I could guess at a couple reasons why you paid that much, but going that in depth won't do anyone any good.

Go to A1, request your deposit. (TMobile can't refund money A1 has. Think of it like family; If your brother borrows money from a friend, your not at liberty to pay them back). If they aren't forth coming then bring it up with Consumer Affairs, the BBB and even in some cases the state's Attorney General (I think that's who does it) office will get involved. Hopefully it won't come to that, but just in case.

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