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Using the iphone


Sep 5, 2009, 2:19 PM
My wife really wants one but I was told tmobile doesnt let you use the 3g speeds. Is this true? Also how about mms, has this been fixed yet? And last question I live in Phoenix, how is tmobile's service here, we currently have alltel and service was great, we are not looking forward to becoming verizon people.

Sep 5, 2009, 5:14 PM
its not that t-mobile doesnt let you use the 3g, t-mobile's 3g is a different bandwith and isnt compatible. you can check out t-mobile's coverage on t-mobile.com, it will let you enter any address into the system and tell you what the coverage is in your area. also, why dont you take her in and show her the mytouch? pretty amazing piece of equiptment! and the 3g works!

Sep 5, 2009, 6:51 PM
I â™Â¥ T-Mobile with more than money, more than power and love, the sweet song of â™ÂªT-Mobileâ™Â« ☺

Sep 6, 2009, 9:07 AM
Also you cannot unlock the iphone there is no unlock code for the iphone. Also mms will be update on september 25th, but if you want the iphone you will have to go to att.
I have a friend that has tmobile and she had it when she was in phoenix so my guess is is that it works good.

Sep 6, 2009, 9:29 PM
The iPhone is with AT&T not Verizon. I don't know why t-mobile didn't roll out 3g everywhere at the same time since we don't have it in Honolulu either. There is a rumor that the iPhone will come to Verizon next year. T-Mobile is getting behind as Sprint is coming out with 4G pretty soon.

Sep 7, 2009, 9:10 AM
If you knew about the 1700MHz auction and its details you would know why. The 1700MHz spectrum that T-Mobile bought was being used the US Military. T-Mobile has to wait for the spectrum to 100% clear in a given area before turning 3G on. And its impossible to get it all upgraded at the same time. The towers (and the multiple T1 lines running to each 3G tower) have to be upgraded one at a time, and its not a quick easy thing. I'd rather them move as fast as they can (which they are) and get them turned on as soon as possible. If we waited until they were all ready and then flip a switch to turn it on... well, let's just say we'd be waiting a while. No carrier is logistically capable of that.

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