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2 Different MTN on 1 Phone?


Dec 16, 2007, 3:26 PM
Can we still do this? I had a customer that needed a new phone but didn't want a new one because customer care told him he would have to change his NAMs back to normal. Any help would be appreciated!


Dec 17, 2007, 1:45 AM
No longer possible. There's only a couple phones that exist that when you go deep into manual programming you can set up NAM1 and NAM2 but there's no telling if the network would support that.

Dec 17, 2007, 11:27 AM
i'm not real familiar with how the dual nam works...but all of the phones i have ever seen still have the ability to program nam 1 and nam 2 in manual programing (including the venus and voyager and all motorolas, just checked to make sure) i'm not saying it would work as i really have no idea how the dual nam thing works, but i do know you can still program either nam in any of the phones

Dec 18, 2007, 1:03 AM
Actually, I can't think of a current model phone that doesn't have dual nam. The problem is getting the same ESN on 2 different numbers in the system. Possible, but not supposed to be done. It can cause issues with billing.

Dec 18, 2007, 11:21 PM
Actually, billing would work fine.. it is the switch that wouldn't. The authentication process to prevent cloning would find two MTNs on the same ESN and knock out both. It may work momentarily bt once the network sent new A-Keys, it would stop. Sorry. ☚ī¸

Dec 27, 2007, 8:38 PM
No problem! 😉 It'll work, I know this for fact as I performed one the other day. No issues with billing or the switch, trust that! I even know the person that wrote the process personally.

You will have to switch between nams to the number that you want to use and you won't be able to perform OTA.

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