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New phone, or wait it out for something better?


Aug 21, 2007, 12:53 AM
I’ve been holding out on using my new every 2 discount in the hopes of a Verizon iPhone killer being released. As it stands, I don’t see this happening anytime soon. I currently have a VX-8000, which gives you a reference to where my mindset is. I’d happily stay with what I have, dreaming of Nokia and Sony Ericsson releasing a CDMA 5 mega-pixel, full blown web browser enabled phone.

Unfortunately, I’ve been hooked by the VZ Navigator. I’ve had a chance to use it many times and really like it, to the point that my “wait it out” resolution is chipping away.

I can’t help but feel like I’m compromising by getting something from the current crop of phones. I thought I’d appeal for some advice from the experienced crowd on this forum.
hoonder sneets

Aug 25, 2007, 4:49 PM
no iphone killer right now. what do you plan to use your phone for? do you want just the media capabilities? buy the chocoalte (free) and pay like %149.99 for 4G micro sd card, usb xferr cable and software, and wireless stereo bluetooth headphones, and it'll do whatever you want. or if you want more browsing and internet capabilities, with the media aspect, get the Q or the Q9m. both support vcast music, and the Q9m looks pretty rock solid so far. the data consultants always have one so im always playin' with em

Aug 27, 2007, 12:25 PM
I just got my Q9m saturday. I have to say... It's a real BEAST 😁

Aug 28, 2007, 8:47 AM
Wait for the holidays...

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