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Blackberry Pearl Flip and Samsung Code Confirmed For USCC


May 10, 2009, 6:41 PM
So a long time ago USCHotline found out that if you toy with the number at the end of the URL when viewing a phone on US Cellular's website, that you could potentially find new unreleased phones. Well, I found two and they're smartphones. The Blackberry Pearl Flip is already pretty well known, but the Samsung Code is actually a simple, basic Windows Mobile 6.1 Standard smartphone with a full QWERTY keyboard. If you don't believe me that this is really unpublished stuff on their site well..... you're retarded, because if you change the numbers at the end of the URL to make them lower then you get into phones that are already published on the website... and it's a US Cellular URL in the first place, so... just take a look for yourself!!


May 13, 2009, 5:17 PM
Actually those phones aren't confirmed.

May 14, 2009, 11:04 AM
oh gosh, be careful BProvidence that might be company info, watch your back, big brother jack is watching the forum because he has nothing better to do, you know, like run a company. Oh goodness, I think I disclosed too much info too, I better sleep with the lights on tonight.

May 14, 2009, 5:52 PM
jhusch said:
oh gosh, be careful BProvidence that might be company info, watch your back, big brother jack is watching the forum because he has nothing better to do, you know, like run a company. Oh goodness, I think I disclosed too much info too, I better sleep with the lights on tonight.

ha..this is funny because it is true....

yours truly was indeed fired for this very fourm.

May 21, 2009, 3:16 PM
i fail to see how BProvidence disclosed any company information.

May 18, 2009, 6:53 PM
well i do not work for US Cellular, myself, so it's not a big deal... and yeah I've been reading this forum long enough that I've seen plenty of snobs like BProvidence that feel that they are so special and must defend confidential information rather than just keeping their mouths shut and, thereby, not disclosing information AND not starting an argument... but I digress. I also have been with US Cellular long enough to know that if they have a phone hidden within their site at a URL that is currently not posted, that basically means that they are about to reveal that phone and post the page on their site. I remember back when USC Hotline was up and running they discovered phones through this trick all the time, and when USCC caught on one ...

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