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Any new news on upcoming phones?


Apr 21, 2009, 1:23 PM
I know the Evoke is now out as its reported as a POS, and good on USCC for dropping it. Wee now know the Touch Pro is on, and there are still rumors of a BB Pearl flip. Now being that these are all Smartphones, what about the rest? Are we only going to see new smartphones on USCC this Spring/Summer? I hope not.

If you know of a phone in testing, its not worth listing unless its getting good results.

Apr 21, 2009, 5:50 PM
I'm sure that you have heard some of the rumors of phones that are out there. I can tell you that our phone portfolio, all the way across the board - smart phones, premium phones, and even entry level WILL be getting better. There are some very attractive offerings that are coming. Now - I'm not going to tell details, nor hang tidbits out there. Just trust me, it is going to be good. May and June will be good months for us as employees (having things to sell) and for customers as well.

Apr 21, 2009, 6:29 PM
I certainly hope so. Nothing thats available now interests me even remotely..

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