Review: HTC Surround with Windows Phone 7
The Surround has access to Windows Marketplace for Mobile. By the time this review was published, there were about 500 apps. Microsoft claims that there should be about 1,000 apps available at launch. That's a good start, but the Marketplace still needs some improvement.
The Marketplace uses the same Zune-style Hub layout. The Apps are added to the main menu once downloaded and installed. The Games are added to the XBox 360 Hub. You have to perform similar steps (accepting terms of use and privacy permissions) as users do with Android devices before apps are downloaded and installed.
The Marketplace shows screenshots, user reviews (including text and stars), related apps, and how much the app costs to download.
Because the Surround is made by HTC, it has access to the HTC Hub. The HTC Hub is sort of like a mini Marketplace for the Surround. There are a number of apps in there that were developed by HTC that work with the Surround (such as a Sound Enhancer, Photo Enhancer, Stocks, etc.)
The Marketplace went live on October 21, and was quickly populated with hundres of more applications. The bulk of apps appear to cost either $0.99 or $1.99, though there are plenty of free applications.