Review: HTC Surround with Windows Phone 7
The images I captured with the Surround's 5 megapixel camera were decent for a 5 megapixel camera, but not extraordinary. Outdoor images were sharp, crisp, and colorful. Exposure was inconsistent. Some images lost detail when reds and whites blew out the sensor. Other times, shaded areas were left with no detail. Indoor shots were grainer, and focus was a little inconsistent. They were also duller. The flash helped somewhat, but didn't make up entirely for poor lighting.
Will people want to share these images, absolutely. They look good more often than they look bad. Facebook sharing? You betcha. Email and MMS? Sure. The Surround overall does a good job, though other camera phones perform better.
The video I shot (720p HD) with the Surround was as inconsistent as the images. At its best, it looked great. At its worst, it was passable. Colors looked rich and bright, but there was plenty of grain. Thankfully, however, there was no waviness or bad pixelation.
Are these videos YouTube worthy? Sure. As with the camera, the videos are good more often than they are not.
The one big problem? You can's share videos directly from the phone. Videos can't be emailed, and can't be uploaded to YouTube or other sharing services. That stinks.
MPEG-4 format (viewable with QuickTime)