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Review: Samsung Captivate

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The Samsung Captivate has the best music player I've encountered on an Android handsets. The music player on the Captivate is the first I can remember to offer a "CoverFlow" like experience with album art — only it does it slightly differently. When held sideways, the, Captivate automatically switches to the CoverFlow view. Instead of square CD covers, users see the album art imprinted onto round CDs. It's visually unique and different, so I like it.

The base music player menus are pretty much stock Android. Using tabs across the top, users can sort through songs, albums, playlists, and artists. The real changes are to the settings and options offered by the Captivate.

The player itself has been refreshed a bit by Samsung. It's simply nicer to look at. The stock Android music player is drab and boring. This one has softer edges, and looks more modern.

Once you have some music playing, there are more options available in the settings. First and foremost, the Captivate actually offers an equalizer. The equalizer has eight pre-sets and one eight-band, user-adjustable EQ. That's the sort of thing that really makes me happy.

Beyond the EQ, it also offers effects to adjust the sound, including: Wide, Concert Hall, Bass Enhancement, etc. Being able to apply both the EQ and effects really lets users shape the sound how they want. Sure, this may be more then the average user wants or needs, but for those who care about how their music sounds, it is good news indeed.

Other features include the ability to fine-tune how the music player menu system appears, and turn on/off a visualization effect during music playback.


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