Review: T-Mobile myTouch 3G
Aug 6, 2009, 3:19 PM by Eric M. Zeman
T-Mobile and HTC have teamed up to offer the second Android phone in the U.S., the myTouch 3G with Google. It is leaps and bounds better than the G1, but still has a number of limitations.

The mobile landscape in August 2009 is vastly different from that of October 2008, when T-Mobile, HTC and Google first launched the G1. Competition in the smartphone realm is fierce, with solid entries from RIM, Apple and Palm already on store shelves. The latest Android handset from HTC and T-Mobile — the myTouch 3G with Google — is a huge leap forward compared to the G1, even if it subtracts some features found on the first Android handset. If you're looking for the freshest experience on a mobile phone that has lots of potential, the myTouch is a good place to start.
Few things wrong
Second there are serveral Facebook apps in the market, I prefer Babbler myself. There will be an official facebook app being release in the next week or so.(don't blame google on that one facebook was being lame about developing one for android)
Facebook. This is not T-Mobile or HTC's fault. Facebook has basically been throwing a hissy fit and refusing to work the Google because of Google's close association with mySpace. Rumor has it that ...