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FCC Reveals Sprint-Bound LG Windows Phone

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Apr 2, 2012, 6:51 PM   by Eric M. Zeman

Documents seen on the Federal Communications Commission's web site reveal information about an unannounced device from LG. According to the documents, the LG LS831 supports CDMA in the EMSR band (800MHz), which only Sprint uses. One of the documents is also called the "Sprint Nextel Waiver", further earmarking the LS831 for Sprint. The device also supports CDMA in the 1900MHz band, as well as Bluetooth. Photos that accompany the FCC documents show a Windows Phone device (based on button configuration and labels) and LG branding, and the draft user manual refers to Windows Phone controls and user interface elements, such as the Start button. The images also reveal that the LG LS831 has a 5-megapixel camera, user-facing camera, headphone jack, and microUSB port. Neither LG nor Sprint has announced this device. Sprint hasn't brought a Windows Phone device to market since the HTC Arrive in early 2011.

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Apr 2, 2012, 7:20 PM

LG Windows 7 phone.

I have never been a fan of LG phones specially smart phones. They are very slow with updates and for the most part the hardware for the smart phones on LG are pretty much mediocre they made a very valiant attempt to have a top notch phone with the G2x... look at it now xD. Not saying this phone isnt going to be a great phone I just really doubt LG is going to make this phone good enough for Sprint Android users to switch to Windows 7 phones.
Everything is not about android. Stop drinking the kool-aid.
First off, LG will not really be pushing updates. The updates will come from MS and Sprint. MS will work with LG to make sure any OS updates available work properly with their hardware. LG, like HTC, Samsung and Nokia, will have their own updates or s...

Apr 3, 2012, 2:51 PM

Wheres the flash for the camera

No flash even for the camera that already is a FAIL right out of the gate. Glad I left Sprint for Tmobile & my Lumia. This is not a good replacement for Sprint's Arrive.

Apr 2, 2012, 6:55 PM

I would guess that

the reason Sprint hasn't brought out any new Windows phones since the Arrive, is because they haven't sold many. And they are too busy promoting the iPhone and their Unlimited Data to promote anything else.
The first part of this statement is not true. Sprint has sold plenty of Windows 7 phones and these phones will definitely make a strong gain in the market this year. It is the year of the Windows 7 phones. If ICS flops on Android expect Windows 7 to p...
20 billion dollars...what else would you want to promote?

Apr 2, 2012, 8:26 PM


I thought Sprint had said it was gonna wait till WP8 was released before offering another WP?

http://www.wpcentral.com/sprint-not-too-enthusiastic ... »
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