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LG VX-8100


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Nov 6, 2005, 9:38 PM

Why does my sd card say its write protected??

I used to be able to put pics and videos on my card from my computer, now it says the disk is write protected and says remove the write protection or insert a new disk, but still lets me put mp3's. Anyone know whats going on?? Thanks, Steven
3 replies

Mar 19, 2006, 1:36 PM

my Mini SD card keeps saying Write Protect anyone know how to fix

I have formatted the card 5 times. then put it in the phone to get my folders designated. but when I go to put songs on it like I used to it keeps telling me it is write protected when I just formatted.

Mar 18, 2006, 9:31 AM

new moto bluetooth

anybody seen the new behind the ear moto bluetooth headset or know how good it is.
any comment would be apprerciated. 😁
2 replies

Mar 18, 2006, 8:19 AM


Anybody know what is coming for VZW that has Bluetooth?
1 reply

Mar 15, 2006, 2:57 PM

getting ringtones without paying for them

hey guys,

sorry for the 1000th post on this but i am looking at buying this phone from verizon (they are nazis!) and i want to get the most detailed ultimate answers to getting ringtones without paying for them:

1)i had the audiovox 8940...phone was not customizable, but i could send an email with the ringtone attached and make it a ringtone, no hassles, it stayed there forever...CAN I DO THAT WITH THIS PHONE?

2) if #1 is a NO...can i use that bit-whatever program to make ringtones permanent on the phone...i don't want to reload the ringtones everyday...

3) one other question...if you had to choose between the LG8100 and the samsung a-950, what would you choose...overall and pertaining to this question?
2 replies

Mar 15, 2006, 8:04 PM


Whats a good program that i can download to clip my mp3 files and then to convert them to MIDI?
1 reply

Mar 15, 2006, 10:38 AM

hey mary ?

or anybody that might know im looking for a second phone and someone told me that the samsung mm-a920 is a cdma 1900 technology phone that is comparable to the 8100 but will
it work on the verizon network, because it is a sprint phone??? anybody? i had one rep say maybee, depends on the esn??
3 replies

Mar 17, 2006, 11:12 AM

Question About Sending Calls To Voice Mail

Is there a way when your phone is closed if you get a call can I push a button or program a button on the outside of the phone to silence it and send the call directly to voice mail. Any help here??? Thank you in advance!!!!
1 reply

Mar 16, 2006, 8:34 PM

mp3 ringtones

just curious...can you upload your own songs from your computer and use them as ringtones??

thanks. 🙂
1 reply

Mar 12, 2006, 9:14 AM

Text Messeges

Good morning everyone, I was wondering if you all had a problem with text messeges; I'll explain...My gf have a cingular account and I am with verizon, well; I am able to text messege her and she receives them but I am not able to received her messeges at all...I can received everyone elses but not hers. I was wondering if anybody had this same problem and if there's a fix to it...I dial *228 and option 2 but I am still having the same problem...any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
5 replies

Mar 14, 2006, 7:22 PM

Error message - "Music Clips is Not Available" on new 8100

Help. I had to get a new vx8100, and used to use the VCast music player with WMA's, worked great, 1 gig card. Got the new phone, sees the songs fine, however when I go to Get Tunes and Tones, and choose anything to do with music (like Get VCast Music, Manage Music etc.), instead of getting the red screen and the player or Genres, Artists etc. I get the error message "Music Clips is Not Avalable". Called LG and Verizon, no one knows anything about this phone-truly amazing (the LG people are beyond incompetent). Any suggestions?
2 replies

Mar 16, 2006, 12:07 AM


What is the real story on this little machine? Does it work or not?

Mar 15, 2006, 10:13 PM

Free 8100 @ Amazon ?????

I am only passing this on. I dont know or care about the details but it might be a deal for someone.

http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B000AA7KZI/re ... »

Mar 14, 2006, 4:55 PM

2.5 to 3.5

Is there an adapter that I can buy to convert the non standard 2.5 headset jack to a 3.5 standard so I can use my phone with my current headsets thatI already have?????
4 replies

Sep 16, 2005, 12:28 PM


Sorry to sound stupid, but I'm new to all this. Will I be able to save music purchased at ITunes onto a card that is compatible with this phone?
5 replies

Mar 15, 2006, 6:55 PM

POP email access?

Hi .. I was wondering if you can get POP email access with this phone. I know you can get yahoo mail, msn, etc. But if I had a POP account, could I access it? Thanks in advance!

Mar 14, 2006, 3:13 PM

Music Clips is Not Available-error message

Help. I had to get a new vx8100, and used to use the VCast music player with WMA's, worked great, 1 gig card. Got the new phone, sees the songs fine, however when I go to Get Tunes and Tones, and choose anything to do with music (like Get VCast Music, Manage Music etc.), instead of getting the red screen and the player or Genres, Artists etc. I get the error message "Music Clips is Not Avalable". Called LG and Verizon, no one knows anything about this phone-truly amazing (the LG people are beyond incompetent). Any suggestions?

Mar 13, 2006, 11:38 AM

Different Text Question...

Is there anyway to adjust the amount of text messages the phone will hold? (It holds 50 incoming)

I have to clear out the msgs daily but would like to be able to have more on there.


6 replies

Mar 10, 2006, 12:25 AM

lightning bolt icon in contacts

I know this isn't necesarily a problem, but I've had my vx8100 for about 3 months and I still can't figure this out...it's driving me insane.

Next to some of my contacts, there is a little yellow "lightning bolt" icon with a number by it. I have no idea why that number is there, and what causes it to increase, and why it's there for some people but not others.

I looked in the user manual, and perused online--I haven't been able to find anything.

Anyone know what this is for? Thanks!
4 replies

Mar 8, 2006, 2:30 PM

V7 software question...do I have to convert .mp3 to .wma?

Hello, I just got a new 8100 due to an insurance claim (water damage) and found out its flashed with V7. Previously I had V4 and could play mp3s on my mini SD card. I was worried that the mp3 player was missing, but then I looked through some other threads and it seems that I can enable the mp3 player through the "hidden" menu, but then the music manager is disabled.

My question is, do I have to convert all my mp3 files to .wma files in order to use the music manager? Is that difficult? H

How does the music manager work and it is worth it to disable the mp3 player to enable that? Or should I enable the mp3 player and just use it like I used to?

Any input would be appreciated! I just want a phone that works, but am hoping tha...
3 replies
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