LG 6190
Average Ratings

Powers off and on
Good phone, like the easy with txt msgng, but when you text message all day it shuts off and on. when i was txting a lot, it just annoyed me. for moderate txt msg now there doesn't seem to be a problem. I can't go back to regual T9 txting now, i get fustrated. So i'll have to put up with the occasional power off now.

LG VX6100
I have had like 20 models of the 6100 and i have more updates. Found more and so I found the closest phone I could use for a review.
It has a nice keyboard, and is FAST for texting as is as well with the 6190. it is also durable. When I upgraded because it stopped turning on correct (freezing at verizon) i tossed it repeatedly down the steps. it survived. when I got my last 6100, it was amazing, and i used all of the functions that it had. it was awesome, just not up to date today

Pros: Fasttap keyboard. I love this feature. I love my phone.
Con: The phone half of the time does not work. I bought the phone oct of 06. In jan of 07 it would not boot past the loading screen. took it in, they sent it away for repairs.
this happened again in june
again in august
and now again in september.
In fact, the last time I got my phone back (aug21st) was 2 weeks ago. its happening again.
basically the LG logo pops up and it freezes. No one can give me an explination as to why.
Telus refuses to give me a decent discount on a phone ( they want me to resign my 3 year contract and pay 200 for a similar model)
they're happy to keep repairing it, but I'm not sure if its worth it.
I love my phone, I just hate being without it =(

Crappy Phone
It was a great phone at first, but took a chunk out of my bank account. I did like it at first, but then after about 6 months it started to not work. It was picking up other people's phone calls when I was talking on the phone. Also, wouldn't notify me when I had a voice mail or text message. It also had a large amount of crackling or breaking up in the conversations from the other person on the phone. I would suggest getting a different phone!

LG 6190
i got the LG 6190 about a year ago. its been dropped a lot but besides the very few marks on it it works GREAT!the only thing is when im browsing on the web or text messaging for a long time on it the keypad gets a little hot. it workes fine for im'ing. some people say the fasttap letters dont work for it but they do. the camera workes great it has functions like zoom and colour effects.but once again when i play games on it it also gets hot a little. the ringtones work good and the contacts can hold up to 500 and if you have your friends pic in there and you have their # you can make it so when they call their pic comes up on the screen. the only other and last thing is the time on the main lcd screen its in the middle of the wallpaper and stuff and theres nno way you can move it or anything.

What a POS
Terrible phone.
Audio quality is ok, but the feature set bites. You have a great "fast-tap" interface for text messaging, but NO facility to use the keyboard to create/save notes!
No SIM card means no ability to use it in UK/Asia where TM is frequently used!
Unnecessarily large buttons on the side meant I usually heard a low "breeeeeeeep" when they're being hit by my wallet/keys/etc.
It would frequent power-down, with a full battery, so often I'd miss messages.
Thank GOD I lost it. Buying a cheap $50 refurb to replace it until my contract is up.

the only thing i could say that sucks about this phone
is that i have a problem with it shutting on and off whenever i am in the middle of text messaging. and its only when im text messaging. i think that the battery life is good on it, i use it all day and i let it die at night and i only charge it when it needs to be. another thing that im not too fond of with this phone is the time and date are so HUGE on the display that if you wanted a picture for your wallpaper you couldnt really see much of it. it doesnt have a setting where you can take it off your display or make it smaller if you wanted to. otherwise, i have mostly good reception on it and the extra keys make it easy to text message and also to enter in contact info.

LG 6190 an O.K. phone.
There are few problems with the phone i.e will shut off and on, Lags, the battery life. I'm a low user and I only get about a day with the battery. The good parts are the FastTap keypad and the Camera is good in the daytime. Sucks at night. My big problem is Telus. The reseption sucks on the phone and I live in Toronto. I preferred my old Nokia 3595 is a much better phone.

Excellent Phone
The 6190 is an excellent phone for moderate to low usage, and the keyboard is exceptional in its design. The camera is excellent, the phone is easy to use, and fairly customizable. The only downsides are the battery life, which hasnt been a problem for me, and it is slightly larger than other comparable models without the fastap keypad.