HTC One X+

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HTC One X reborn
About a week ago I upgraded my aging HTC Inspire with a new HTC One X. I was not at all happy with the battery performance on this phone so when the new HTC One X + became available on 11/16, I paid ATT the $35 restocking fee plus the extra $100 and made the swap. I must say, I am so far not sorry I did so. The HTC One X + is a great improvement on what was already a great phone. I can easily get 2 days out of one charging with moderate use and go a whole day with no problem with heavy use.
- great physical feel
- outstanding display
- very good (improved) battery life
- great camera(s)
- good speaker volume and clarity
- Could be excellent battery life with a 2800 ma+ battery (listening HTC?)
- USB port should be on the bottom not side of the phone (again....listening HTC?)
Overall, a great, if not outstanding, phone, Only 3 days in and time will tell but it looks like HTC has another winner.