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Samsung SGH-E105


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this phone sucks


Dec 17, 2004 by mailcall

I bought this phone a while ago and I'm starting to have major problems with it. When you flip open the cover, it takes forever for the screen to pop up and its black for about 15 seconds. Then when you try to dial, it takes about 5 seconds for it to actually realize that you are wanting to make a call. The service and reception is terrible, and I almost always miss important calls because my phone doesn't have service or does and just doesn't ring. This is the worst phone i've ever owned and I can't wait to get rid of it. If you are looking to buy the phone, think twice and look around more because it's simple the crappiest phone out there.

I took it back and exchanged it for a Siemens!!


Sep 29, 2004 by quinoanut

At first I was really excited about this phone since all I have ever had before was the bare bones model. This phone is really fancy looking but when I got it home I realized a few things. First, I thought all the ring tones were crappy, I could not find any that didn't completely turn me off. Second I think the programmers were asleep at the wheel on this one...you have to change two different settings to get it to be completely silent (w/o vibration). I spent some time looking at the owners manual but that was not nearly as informative as others I have had and was completely screwed up in at least two places where the index sent me to pages that had nothing to do with what the index referred to. Also, I had several calls ring even though I had it alert type set to "light only". I don't know if that was a problem with programming or if it was malfunctioning, I didn't hang on to the phone long enough to find out. Finally, about three times in 2 days it would not let me call out giving a message "Emergency calls only". Pass on this one!!

Look again


Aug 12, 2004 by 2camsaam

This phone has many cool features, however, where is lacks is in the call quality dept. I was very disabpointed w/ the ability to be heard in my car w/ the windows up and a/c bearly on (on the lowest a/c blower setting). I would receive complaints that it sounded as if I were driving w/ the windows down. Mind you I drive a brand new Honda and it is very quiet in the cabin. This phone picked up too much oblivious noise rather than just the individuals conversing.

Also, a "speaker phone" option would be great.

Samsung E105


Oct 11, 2003 by Nick Snell

good phone

Great phone but software/features flawed


Feb 18, 2004 by NickC

I really like this phone for so many of the reasons listed below. I do find it too small to hold comfortably - I'd prefer a bigger form with a larger, higher capacity battery, but it still gives good reception and voice quality.

My biggest complaints have to do with the software. Samsungs GSM/T-Mobile dept must have been coffee deprived because there are some really boneheaded (IMHO) things about it:

- Side keys in idle mode control KEY volume. Who thought of this??! Seems all Samsungs for T-Mobile do it this way. Controlling ringer volume makes more sense, and even Samsungs for Sprint control ringer volume. Why does anyone need to adjust key volume so often as to have dedicated keys to adjust it?

- No way to change number type. Once saved, the only way to change a phone number type - from say home to mobile - is to copy the number and delete the old.

- No way to change memory location once saved, again unless you copy the number and delete the old.

- IR port does not recognize data from Palm OS or other phones. My Nokia was able to beam smoothly to/from Palm OS PDAs as well as Pocket PC devices.

I realize the above could be done through EasyGPRS, but these features should be built-in.

Terrible Phone


Feb 1, 2005 by statgator

I don't know how this phone recieved such high reviews. It is easily the worst phone that I have had. I agree with many of the folks that said the programmers fell asleep on this one because some of the things this phone does are strange. One thing that bugs me is that when you power the phone down it takes over 5 minutes to load the phone book.

The call volume is terrible. I can barely hear the people that I am speaking with when riding in my truck with the radio off and the windows up. I lose reception everywhere including my own house. Which is a bummer because this is my only phone.

I don't know if it has to do with T-Mobile service being terrible or not but none of my other services have been this bad. I guess it could be due to the phone. Anyway I won't be sticking with T-Mobile to find out.

Only pro is that it is a nice looking phone. That is all.

Great Phone But Contacts Taking Forever!


Mar 11, 2004 by Cam Phone Guy

I've found basically everything fine about this phone but I'm finding the contacts list is taking a long time to download. T-Mobile is trying to tell me that that's normal- and to leave the phone on all the time to prevent the delay. That sounds goofy so I'm researching it more.

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